Bizhack Kenya

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Crop farming

In Kenya, crop farming is a varied landscape, ranging from staple crops like maize to export-driven commodities such as tea, coffee, and flowers. Smallholder farmers play a pivotal role, bolstering food security and the economy. Although challenges like unpredictable weather and limited technology persist, the focus is on sustainable practices, value addition, and expanding market reach, underscoring the sector’s resilience and growth potential.

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  • Horticultural Crops in Kenya: A Guide to Profitable Farming Ventures

Horticultural Crops in Kenya: A Guide to Profitable Farming Ventures

In the fertile landscapes of Kenya, where agriculture is not just a way of life but also a key contributor to the nation’s economy, horticulture takes center stage. Kenya’s diverse…

Aloe Vera Farming in Kenya

This article focuses on aloe vera farming in Kenya. Aloe Vera, scientifically known as Aloe barbadensis miller, is a versatile plant renowned for its numerous health and cosmetic benefits. In…

9 Different Types of Poisonous Mushrooms You Should Avoid

This article shows you 9 different types of poisonous mushrooms that you should avoid. Mushrooms are intriguing organisms that have fascinated humans for centuries. From their unique shapes and vibrant…

The Benefits and Potential of Mushroom Farming

As an emerging agricultural practice, mushroom cultivation offers a myriad of benefits and promising potential for farmers in this beautiful country. In this blog post, we will delve into the…

Where to Sell Mushrooms in Kenya: List of Buyers

This list shows you mushroom buyers and where exactly you need to sell mushrooms in Kenya. Mushroom farming has gained significant popularity in Kenya due to its numerous health benefits…

Most profitable Vegetables to grow in Kenya

Below is a list of most profitable Vegetables to grow in Kenya. Hey there, if you’re looking for ways to make some good money from your farm in Kenya, consider…

List of Problems Facing Wheat Farming in Kenya

Below is a list problems facing wheat farming in Kenya. Wheat farming is an essential part of Kenya’s agricultural sector, providing food and income for millions of people across the…

How to Make Money from Bamboo Farming in Kenya

Welcome to the world of bamboo farming in Kenya, where you can turn a humble plant into a lucrative business venture. Kenya has an ideal climate for growing bamboo, and…

How to Make Money from Kunde Farming in Kenya

If you’re looking for a profitable venture in Kenya, you might want to consider Kunde farming or Cowpeas farming. Kunde is a legume that is popular in many Kenyan households…

Coriander farming in kenya: 6 Steps to do it Right

Coriander farming in kenya or dhania farming Coriander, also known as dhania, is a popular herb that is widely used in Kenyan cuisine. It is also known for its medicinal…