Bizhack Kenya

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Ground Nut Farming in Kenya

ByElijah Ludenyi

Jan 29, 2023
Ground Nut Farming in Kenya

Last updated on March 2nd, 2024 at 05:54 pm

So you’re interested in starting a groundnut farm in Kenya.

This guide will provide you with all the information you need to get started. In this guide, we will cover the following topics:

-Cost of starting one acre of groundnut farm in Kenya

-Benefits and nutrients of groundnut farming in Kenya

-What counties does ground nut do well in Kenya

-Preparing, planting and caring for groundnuts

-Climatic and soil conditions for groundnut farming in Kenya

-Varieties of ground nut to plant in kenya

-Market size and opportunities for groundnut farming in Kenya

-How and when to harvest your groundnuts

-Challenges and solutions of groundnut farming in kenya

Cost of starting an acre of ground nut farm in kenya

When it comes to groundnut farming, the cost of starting a farm is relatively low when compared to other crops.

First you will need an acre of land to start with, and we recommend that you start small and expand as you learn more about groundnut farming and the market for the crop.

Secondly, you will also need some basic tools and equipment, such as a tractor, plows, harrows, ridgers, seeders, planters and sprayers.

Therefore, the cost of these items will vary depending on the make and model, but you can expect to spend between sh200,000 and sh500,000 on your equipment.

Finally, you will need to purchase your seed. We recommend that you buy certified seed from reputable dealers to ensure that you get a good yield. A 50-kg bag of seed will cost between sh10,000 and sh15,000.

Benefits and Nutrients of Ground Nut Farming in Kenya

When you start a ground nut farm in Kenya, you will be growing a legume that is both a source of protein and oil.

In addition to the health benefits that come with eating ground nuts, this crop can also provide a cash income for your farm.

Ground nut farming in Kenya is a good choice for farmers who are looking for an alternate crop to grow. This legume does well in most of the counties in Kenya, and it can be planted during the short rains or long rains season. The preparation, planting, and caring for ground nuts is relatively easy, and the crop is tolerant of many soil and climatic conditions.

When you harvest your ground nuts, you can sell them fresh or process them into oil, flour, or meal. There is a growing market for ground nuts in Kenya, and this crop has the potential to provide a significant income for your farm.

What Counties Does Ground Nut Do Well in Kenya

Ground nut does well in most counties in Kenya.

However, some of the best areas to farm ground nuts include Bungoma, Kakamega, Busia, Kisumu, Nandi, Kericho and Migori. This is because these counties have the right climatic and soil conditions for the crop to thrive.

In addition, ground nut farming is a lucrative business, and there is a large market for the crop. This means that you can make a good profit from your farm if you do it well.

Preparing, Planting and Caring for Ground Nuts

Are you interested in learning about the preparation, planting and caring for ground nuts in Kenya?

I guess you should;

There are several things you should know before you get started.

First, make sure the land is adequately prepared. This includes removing weeds, rocks or other debris that might be in the soil.

Then, dig furrows approximately 15 cm deep and fill them with manure or compost to help add nutrients to the soil. Once that’s done, it’s time to plant your seeds—about at a depth of four centimeters and with roughly 10 cm between plants.

Next comes the caring and maintenance of your ground nut crop. You will need to water your plants regularly during dry spells—twice a week should usually suffice—and keep an eye out for pests or diseases that may affect your plants.

If the leaves start to yellow or curl up, that could indicate an issue with either nutrient deficiency or pest infestation.

To combat this, use organic insecticides such as neem oil, garlic oil or soap-based solutions which are safer for both you and the environment.

Climatic and Soil Conditions for Ground Nut Farming

In order to start a ground nut farm in Kenya, you need to understand the climatic and soil condition needs for successful ground nut farming.

Typically, good conditions for ground nut production include temperatures of 18-30°C and well-drained soil with a pH of between 6 and 7.5. The soil should also hold water well and allow for good drainage.

The best climate for ground nut farming is one that has an annual rainfall of between 600mm to 1000mm, which can be found in central, western and coastal parts of Kenya. A dry spell before harvesting is also beneficial for better yield.

As with all agricultural production, it’s important that you carry out soil tests before planting your ground nuts in order to determine the pH levels, organic content and nutrient mineral content present in the land you are going to use.

This will help ensure a good harvest season and will make it easier to apply nutrients where necessary.

In conclusion, ground nut farming is a lucrative activity that should be considered by anyone interested in starting a farm in Kenya.

Varieties of Ground Nut to Plant in Kenya

Now that you are ready to plant, what variety of groundnut should you choose? Growing the right groundnut varieties in Kenya depends on your soil type and irrigation availability.

If you have loamy soil with adequate moisture and drainage, then go for the pea-pod groundnut variety. This is the most common type grown in Kenya, as it’s a good source of protein and oil.

Another option is Jumbo Valencia, which has a better storage longevity than other types of groundnuts.

If you have sandy soil, then the Virginia type may be a better choice for you. It can handle heat better than other varieties and requires less water to grow.

While the Spanish variety thrives in dry areas and features large seeds that have a higher oil content than other types of groundnuts.

You could also try thick-scaled types like Kabanga or Kilimo Grains, which can be stored for longer periods of time without losing quality. Whichever variety you choose, make sure it’s suited to the climate and grow conditions in Kenya to get the most out of your harvest.

Market Size and Opportunities for Ground Nut Farming in Kenya

Are you curious about the market size for ground nut farming in Kenya?

Well, the sky is the limit when it comes to ground nut farming in Kenya. With a large population and growing demand for ground nuts, there are a lot of opportunities for those who wish to get into ground nut farming.

The demand for ground nuts is high and so is the profitability. You can easily make several hundreds of thousands of shillings per acre depending on your variety and production rate. The price of ground nuts also varies depending on the quality and season.

This means that you can make more money during peak periods like Christmas or when there’s a high demand for a certain variety of ground nut.

Another thing to note is that the market size for ground nut farming in Kenya isn’t limited to local buyers. You can also export your produce, which can open up new opportunities and bring higher profits than local buyers.

How and when to harvest ground nuts for market

Harvesting of groundnuts is done mainly by manual labor. Generally, groundnuts are harvested when the vines turn brown and the pods are hard.

Depending on climatic conditions and soil types, the pods mature within four to five months after planting.

Handpicking or manual harvesting is a labor-intensive process that involves hopping on and off the ridges in search of mature pods.

The ripe ones come off easily when pulled gently from the vine. After picking, the farmer should immediately gather the nuts in gunny bags or baskets laid on each side of the ridge keeping them away from direct sunlight. To ensure good quality nuts that meet market standards, they should be dried properly either by sun drying or mechanical drying and then stored well until they are ready for sale or market sale.

Harvested groundnuts should be shelled immediately after harvesting as prolonged shelling leads to large losses of nut quality.

For small scale farms, manual shelling may be employed but for large producers of groundnut, mechanical shelling may be employed to reduce cost and improve efficiency.

Pro and cons of ground nut farming in kenya

It is true that ground nut farming in kenya has its ups and downs. The pros include the fact that it is an easy crop to cultivate, with relatively low costs and a high market value.

It also comes with a lot of nutrient benefits, as it contains high levels of iron, zinc, protein, fat and oil. It is also drought-resistant and can be grown in many soils.

On the other hand, the cons of ground nut farming in Kenya include the risk of infestation from pests and diseases.

Farmers may also encounter resistance from traditional methods by local farmers – which can lead to delays in harvesting or planting ground nuts.

Another challenge faced by ground nut farmers is limited access to inputs for fertilizer or pesticides, which can lead to lower yields.

Finally, there is often very little processing done on the farm level – leading to lower profits for individual farmers.

It is a versatile crop that can be grown in most parts of the country, and it has a variety of uses. There are a few challenges associated with ground nut farming, but they can be overcome with a bit of planning and hard work.

How many bags of groundnuts make an acre?

It is estimated that a farmer can harvest up to 1.6 tonnes of groundnuts from an acre of land

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