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List of Linda Mama Hospitals in Garissa County

ByKenneth Nyabora

Jan 16, 2024
List of Linda Mama Hospitals in Garissa CountyList of Linda Mama Hospitals in Garissa County

In 2016, Kenya took a significant step towards improving maternal healthcare with the introduction of the Linda Mama program. Administered by the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF), this initiative offers free health insurance to pregnant women, addressing a crucial need in the country. This article delves into the Linda Mama hospitals in Garissa County, highlighting their role in transforming maternal health services in the region.

The Linda Mama Program: A Beacon of Hope

The Linda Mama program is more than just a health insurance scheme; it’s a lifeline for expectant mothers. It encompasses comprehensive coverage, including antenatal visits, delivery services, postnatal care, and treatment for pregnancy-related complications. Importantly, it also extends care to infants for a year post-birth, ensuring a healthy start to life.

Garissa County’s Embrace of Linda Mama

Garissa County, located in the northeastern part of Kenya, has embraced the Linda Mama program with open arms. This region, known for its unique challenges in healthcare access, has seen a significant transformation since the program’s implementation. The following is a curated list of hospitals in Garissa County that are part of the Linda Mama network:

  1. Excel Health Services is a private facility known for its state-of-the-art maternal care.
  2. Garissa Mother & Child Health Care specializes in comprehensive maternal and infant health services.
  3. Simaho MCH/FP Clinic – renowned for its personalized care in maternal and child health.
  4. Tawheed Community is a community-based health center focusing on holistic maternal health.

These hospitals represent the frontline of Garissa’s fight for better maternal health, equipped with skilled healthcare professionals and modern medical equipment.

Beyond the List: Expanding Maternal Health in Garissa

While the Linda Mama program has made significant strides, Garissa County’s commitment to maternal health goes beyond these hospitals. Several initiatives have been introduced to enhance accessibility and quality of care, such as mobile health clinics and community health worker programs. These initiatives are crucial in reaching remote areas where access to traditional healthcare facilities is challenging.

NHIF’s Role and Contact Information

The NHIF plays a pivotal role in administering the Linda Mama program. For queries and assistance, they can be contacted at:


The Linda Mama program in Garissa County is more than a health initiative; it’s a testament to Kenya’s commitment to maternal and infant health. Through the collaboration of NHIF and local hospitals, significant progress is being made. As this program continues to evolve, it holds the promise of better health outcomes for mothers and children in Garissa County and across Kenya.