Carrot Farming in Kenya

Carrot Farming in Kenya

Last updated on March 2nd, 2024 at 05:54 pm

Are you interested in starting a carrot farm in Kenya?

In this article, we’ll walk you through all the steps of starting a carrot farm, from preparing the soil to harvesting the carrots.

So read on, and learn everything you need to know about carrot farming in Kenya.

Carrots are a great crop to start with, because they’re relatively easy to grow and you can sell them at a good price in the market.

Cost of starting an acre of carrot farm

Assuming you have the land, it will cost you around Ksh. 250,000 to start an acre of carrot farm in Kenya. This cost includes the purchase of inputs such as seeds, fertilizer, and pesticides, among others.

It is important to factor in these costs when planning your farm.

Benefits and Nutrients of Carrot Farming in Kenya

Carrots are a root vegetable that is grown for its edible taproot. Kenya has a long history of carrot farming, with the crop being introduced by colonialists in the early 1900s.

Today, carrots are still an important part of the Kenyan diet, and there is a growing demand for the crop both domestically and internationally.

Carrots are a rich source of nutrients, including beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium.


Carrot farming is a lucrative business, and there are many benefits to starting a carrot farm in Kenya.

The crop also does well in most parts of the country, and there is a large market for carrots both domestically and abroad.

Carrots are also relatively easy to grow and require little care.

So, if you’re thinking of starting a carrot farm in Kenya, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to get started.

What Counties Does Carrots Do Well in Kenya

Kenya is a big country, and so the kind of climate and soil that is ideal for carrot farming varies depending on where you are.

Generally, carrots do well in counties with a lot of rainfall. The high moisture content in the soil helps the carrots to grow big and healthy.

Some of the best counties for carrot farming are Kisumu, Siaya, Kakamega, Nairobi, Kiambu, and Machakos.

Preparing, Planting, and Caring for Carrot

Once you’ve selected a variety of carrots that works best for your area, it’s time to start preparing for planting.

Carrots need very little maintenance, but you should make sure to find a well-drained soil and the right amount of sunlight.

You should also work on improving the quality of your soil by adding organic matter such as manure or compost.

Aim to achieve a pH level between 6.0 and 6.8.

When it comes time to plant your carrots, it’s best to do so in late spring or early summer.

First, you can start by sowing the seeds directly in the ground or raising seedlings in flats before transplanting them into the soil.

Secondly, make sure to space them at least 2 inches apart, as they need room to grow and develop properly.

After sowing the seeds, lightly cover them with a thin layer of soil then water them regularly and evenly.

Finally, you should mulch around your carrots with straw, hay, or grass clippings and make sure to keep weeds away from them as the too can compete for moisture and nutrients during their growth season.

Climatic and Soil Conditions for Carrot Farming in Kenya

When it comes to carrots, the climatic and soil conditions of your chosen area are very important. Carrots need plenty of sunshine and well-drained, slightly acidic (pH 6- 6.8) soil that is rich in organic matter.

It’s also important to make sure that your soil is well-ventilated, as carrots dislike too much moisture in their roots.

Kenya has a warm climate with a long rainy season.

This makes it ideal for carrot farming, as the plants thrive in the temperature and can take full advantage of the water for a healthy crop.

Also make sure you keep an eye on your soil during these times though, as too much water can cause root diseases and stunted growth.

Your region must also be free from early frosts and late freezes if possible, otherwise your crop might not make it to maturity.

Luckily many areas of Kenya fit this criteria, so finding a suitable place to set up shop shouldn’t be too difficult.

Varieties of Carrot to Plant in Kenya

When it comes to varieties of carrot to plant in Kenya, there are several different types available. You can choose from red-rooted, yellow-rooted, white-rooted and rainbow colored carrots.

The most popular carrot varieties in Kenya are the, red-rooted Nantes and Imperator as well as the Nairobi Hybrid variety.

The Imperator type is a long cylindrical-shaped carrot with a reddish-orange color. Which is perfect for juicing and cooking in stews, soups or stir fry recipes.

On the other hand, the red Nantes variety is short and sweet and perfect for snacking or salads.

The Nairobi Hybrid is a cross between the two and combines the flavorful sweetness of red Nantes with the crunch of Imperator.

No matter which variety you decide to plant, always choose your seed carefully by looking for disease resistance and pest resistance traits in your seed so that you’ll have fewer issues when it comes to harvesting your crop.

Market Size and Opportunities for Carrot Farming in Kenya

As you might already know, there’s a growing interest in carrots as a source of healthy nutrition in Kenya and beyond.

The many benefits that carrots offer make them popular among health-conscious consumers, which is great news for carrot farmers.

What’s even better is that the climate in Kenya is ideal for carrot farming, so you don’t have to worry about too much heat or cold destroying your crops.

Additionally, carrots are pretty versatile and can be used in salads, juices and stews.

There are also plenty of opportunities to market your produce – you could start selling at local markets, or partner with supermarkets and restaurants who may be interested in bulk purchases.

With the right strategy, you could actually make a good profit on an acre of land.

The key is to do your research and be prepared for the challenges that can come with farming carrots.

Pro and cons of carrot farming in kenya

Carrot farming in Kenya has its pros and cons.

So, let’s look at the upsides first.

Carrots are a hardy vegetable that grows throughout the country, and the yield rates are generally higher than other crops. Carrots are also packed with vitamin A and other important minerals, so they’re an excellent source of nutrition.

And finally, you don’t need to use any chemical fertilizers or pesticides to get good results with your carrot crop.

That said, there are some challenges when it comes to successful carrot farming in Kenya.

The soil conditions can be difficult to manage, and there can often be a lack of adequate irrigation systems.

You also need to keep your carrots free from pests and diseases, which can be difficult with the hot climate in Kenya.

Finally, it can take some time for your crop to mature and be ready for harvest, so you need to be patient and wait it out.

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How and when to harvest carrots for market

The next step to making sure that your harvest is successful is to know when and how to harvest your carrots.

Carrots should be harvested when they are fully ripe and have a deep orange color.

The length of time for a carrot to reach maturity depends on the variety planted, with some taking up to 85 days from planting.

If you’re growing carrots for the market, it’s best to harvest them when they are smaller and more tender.

To harvest, use a spade or fork gently to loosen the soil around the carrots before lifting them out of the ground.

Be sure not to push down too hard as this can damage roots and affect your yield. After harvesting, wash your carrots with water and trim off any leaves so that they can be stored or sold.

So, if you are considering venturing into carrot farming in Kenya, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to get started.

The guide includes information on the cost of starting a one acre carrot farm, the benefits of carrot farming, the various varieties of carrot that can be grown in Kenya, the climatic and soil conditions that are favorable for carrot farming, the market size for carrots and the opportunities that exist for carrot farmers in Kenya.

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