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How to Buy Safaricom Shares

ByElizabeth Atieno

Jan 27, 2023
How to Buy Safaricom Shares

Last updated on March 9th, 2023 at 01:09 am


You can only buy Safaricom shares through the Nairobi Securities Exchange

Safaricom shares can only be bought on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. You cannot buy them directly from Safaricom.

To purchase them, you will need to open a Central Depository System (CDS) account with a brokerage house or bank that offers this service.

Most banks and brokerage firms offer this service, so it should not be difficult for you to find one that suits your needs.

Open a Central Depository System (CDS) account

  • You will need to open a Central Depository System (CDS) account.
  • You can do this through your bank or you can apply directly with the Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB)
  • The KCB is one of the largest banks in Kenya and it has an extensive network of branches across the country.
  • The application for a CDS account is simple, but make sure you have all your personal details ready when applying for one.
  • Once you have completed opening an account, request that they send you some form of identification from them so that they know who owns shares if they ever ask for them.

Most brokerage firms and banks will offer you this service

  • You can open a CDS account at any brokerage firm or bank.
  • You need to have a bank account, and you must be 18 years old or older.
  • Fill out the CDS Account Opening Form (PDF) and submit it with your National ID or passport and proof of residence (such as a utility bill).

There are two ways to buy Safaricom shares

Here are the two ways to buy Safaricom shares in Kenya:

  1. Directly from the NSE through a broker. You can visit the NSE website and look for brokers who trade in Safaricom shares, then contact them to place an order.
  2. Through your bank or credit union. If you have a savings account, CD or any other type of deposit at a financial institution that’s part of the Finserve banking network (such as Barclays) you can buy Safaricom shares by opening an online trading account at

Log into your CDS account and purchase the shares

  • Log into your CDS account and purchase the shares.
  • Once you’ve purchased shares, they will show up in your CDS account under “My Investments” (or My Portfolio, if you have an account with that name).
  • You can track how well Safaricom is doing by checking its stock price on the NSE website or on Capital Markets Authority’s website, which posts all company share prices every 15 seconds.[4]

Make sure you keep your CDS number on hand

It’s important to note that when you buy Safaricom shares, the CDS number is what you need. This is because:

  • You will use it to buy Safaricom shares.
  • You will use it to sell Safaricom shares.
  • You will use it to transfer your Safaricom shares from one account holder to another (if you are married).

In other words, the CDS number is required in all instances where there is a change of ownership associated with your Safaricom shareholding.

A share certificate that shows proof of ownership is mailed to you once you have made a successful purchase

  • Share certificate

Your share certificate shows proof of ownership and will be mailed to you once you have made a successful purchase. The details of the share certificate are as follows:

  • Date of issue
  • Name of holder (your name)
  • Number of shares held by holder (number purchased)

If you have some spare cash, buying Safaricom shares can be profitable for you

If you don’t have a lot of money to spare and want to buy shares, don’t worry.

You can buy small amounts at a time. For example, one share costs about Ksh. 550 (the price will change as the stock market fluctuates). If you want to buy 100 shares, that would cost only Ksh. 32,000.

So, if you really want a piece of the action but don’t have any cash lying around for investment purposes, consider buying some Safaricom shares as a gift for someone else instead.

Consider allocating some of your budgets towards gifting or buying Safaricom shares in your name so that when they grow in value over time (and they surely will), everyone wins.

This is the summary of buying safaricom shares in Kenya in very few steps. But my advice is that if you’re still having difficulties to buy safaricom shares in Kenya.

You can however go on and visit a bank and them how you can buy these shares. They will surely be happy to help. Or you can do this yourself following my guide.


Are Safaricom Shares Profitable?

Yes, Safaricom shares can be a profitable option for investors. The company has a strong track record of profitability and dividend growth, and its share price has seen consistent growth over the past few years. There are also several financial products available that offer exposure to Safaricom shares, making them an attractive option for investors.

Who has the highest Shares in Safaricom?

The largest shareholder of Safaricom is Vodafone Group Plc, which holds a 35.7% stake. Vodafone Group Plc is a British telecommunications company that is a part of the Vodafone Group and is headquartered in Newbury, Berkshire.

How much is Safaricom Per Share?

As of January 2023, the Safaricom share price is KES 20.10, according to the Nairobi Securities Exchange.