List of Best Agricultural Business Ideas In Kenya

List of Best Agricultural Business Ideas In Kenya

Last updated on March 2nd, 2024 at 05:52 pm

Article will focusses on list of best agricultural business ideas In Kenya.

So you want to start a business in Kenya and you’re thinking agriculture is the way to go. Smart thinking. Agriculture is the backbone of Kenya’s economy, employing more than 40% of the population and contributing over 26% of the GDP.

With fertile land, a favorable climate, and access to water, the opportunities in agribusiness are endless. Whether you want to grow crops, raise livestock, or process agricultural goods, there are many options to choose from. To help inspire your entrepreneurial spirit, here’s a list of the best agricultural business ideas in Kenya.

From beekeeping to mushroom farming to aquaculture, there’s something for everyone. All you need is some land, a bit of capital to get started, and the motivation to build something that can grow and thrive. Agriculture may be an age-old industry, but in Kenya, it’s also where the future is.

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1. Growing and Selling High-Value Crops

Growing and selling high-value crops is one of the most profitable agricultural business ideas in Kenya. High-value crops are in high demand and can generate good income. Some options to consider include:

•Vegetables – Vegetables like tomatoes, onions, kale, spinach and carrots are always in demand. You can grow these on a large scale and sell to local markets, grocery stores and restaurants. The key is using quality seeds, proper irrigation and crop rotation to maximize yields.

•Herbs – Herbs such as basil, mint, rosemary and thyme are popular and easy to grow. You can sell fresh cut herbs to restaurants and food companies, or dry the herbs to sell as spices. Herb farming requires little space but can be quite lucrative.

•Fruits – Fruits like bananas, mangoes, avocados and berries grow well in Kenya and are highly sought after. You’ll need to invest in high-quality fruit trees and learn proper pruning and pest control methods. But selling fresh fruit or value-added products like jams, juices and dried fruit can be very profitable.

•Flowers – Growing and selling flowers such as roses, lilies, orchids and gerberas can be an attractive business. You can sell flowers to local florists, at farmer’s markets or export to other countries. Be prepared to invest in greenhouses and cooling facilities to maximize quality and shelf life.

•Tree seedlings – There is high demand for tree seedlings in Kenya for reforestation and agroforestry. Growing and selling seedlings of trees like eucalyptus, cypress, casuarina and grevillea can be an eco-friendly business idea. You’ll need a tree nursery and irrigation system to get started.

With the right high-value crops, good agricultural practices and reliable buyers, you can build a successful agricultural business in Kenya. Do your research, make a solid plan and start growing.

2. Poultry Farming

Poultry farming is one of the most profitable agricultural businesses in Kenya. If you have some space and want to get into farming, consider raising chickens.

  • Start with a small number of chicks, around 50-100, to learn the ropes. As your experience grows, you can scale up to thousands. Focus on broiler chickens for meat or layer hens for eggs.
  • You’ll need a coop to house the chickens, feeders and waterers, feed, bedding like wood shavings, and other supplies. The initial costs can be $500-$5,000 depending on the size of your operation.
  • Do research on the best chicken breeds for your needs. For eggs, consider Rhode Island Reds or White Leghorns. For meat, Cornish Cross breeds are excellent. They grow quickly and are ready for harvest in 6-8 weeks.
  • Develop a feeding schedule and diet for optimal growth. Broiler chickens need a high-protein feed with supplements, while layer hens require a balanced diet of grains, protein, and calcium for egg laying.
  • Monitor your chickens daily for any signs of disease or distress. Be on alert for external parasites like mites and internal worms, and have a vet care plan in place.
  • Once your chicks are mature, you can sell eggs, live chickens, or dressed chickens to local markets, restaurants, and individuals. Build connections in your community to establish buyers.

With some hard work and persistence, a poultry farm can be an extremely rewarding business. Do your research, start small, and grow your operation for the best chance at success. Before you know it, you’ll be supplying fresh eggs and meat to happy customers all over Kenya

3. Fish Farming

Fish farming, also known as aquaculture, is a lucrative business opportunity in Kenya.

The country has a long coastline, as well as many rivers and lakes, so the conditions are ideal for raising fish.

Tilapia and catfish are popular options for small-scale fish farmers.

Selecting Fish Species

The type of fish you choose to raise depends on your local climate and available resources.

Tilapia and catfish are hardy, fast-growing, and tolerant of fluctuating water conditions, so they are good for beginners.

You’ll also want to consider the demand and market price for different fish in your area. Talk to other local fish farmers to determine what is thriving in your region.

Securing Fingerlings

Once you’ve selected the species, you’ll need to obtain juvenile fish, known as fingerlings, to stock your farm. You can buy fingerlings from reputable hatcheries and fish breeders. Make sure the fingerlings are healthy, and choose a stocking density appropriate for your setup. For tilapia and catfish, aim for 2 to 3 fingerlings per square meter of pond surface area.

Feeding the Fish

Fish need a nutritious diet to grow quickly. You’ll want to feed your fish 2-3 times per day.

For tilapia and catfish, a diet of commercial pelleted feed, agricultural byproducts like rice bran, and protein sources such as duckweed or worms will promote fast growth.

Be careful not to overfeed, as excess food will pollute the water.

Only provide as much feed as the fish can consume in about 5-10 minutes at each feeding.

Maintaining Good Water Quality

Perform regular water tests to monitor conditions like pH, ammonia, and dissolved oxygen.

Make sure pH is between 6 to 9, ammonia is less than 0.5 ppm, and dissolved oxygen is at least 5 ppm.

You may need to make adjustments by changing some of the water, aerating the water, or reducing feed amounts.

Good water quality is essential for the health and growth of your fish.

By following these key steps, you’ll be on your way to running a successful fish farming business in Kenya.

4. Beekeeping and Honey Production

Beekeeping and honey production is a lucrative business in Kenya. Honey is in high demand, and Kenya’s tropical climate is ideal for beekeeping.

Here are some tips to get started with beekeeping:

Get the Necessary Equipment

You’ll need protective gear like a beekeeper suit, gloves, and a veil, as well as hive equipment like frames, foundations, and a hive tool.

You’ll also need transportation equipment to move hives and harvest honey.

Obtain High-Quality Bees

Purchase disease-free bees from a reputable breeder. The most common types are Italian and Carniolan bees, which are gentle and produce high honey yields.

Find a Good Location

Place hives in an area with plenty of nectar and pollen sources, like forests, agricultural areas, or near orchards. The location should be sheltered, get plenty of sunlight, and have access to water.

Care for Your Bees

Inspect hives regularly to monitor bee health, honey stores, and spot any signs of disease or pests. Provide sugar syrup or pollen patties to supplement food sources during dry seasons or winter.

Harvest honey once the hive’s surplus reaches around 60-80 pounds.

Extract and Package the Honey

Use an extractor to spin the honey out of the comb.

Filter the honey to remove wax and impurities. Bottle and label the honey, and it’s ready to sell.

Market and Sell Your Honey

Sell honey to local markets, grocery stores, at farmers markets, or export internationally.

Many buyers prefer raw, organic honey. You can also sell other bee products like beeswax, pollen, and propolis.

With time and experience, you’ll become an expert beekeeper.

Beekeeping is a rewarding activity that contributes to the environment while producing a natural sweetener and other useful products.

Following these steps will get you started on a successful beekeeping and honey production business.

5. Grasshopper Farming

Grasshopper farming, also known as locust farming, is an agricultural business ideas that is gaining popularity in Kenya.

Grasshoppers are a good source of protein and nutrients, and many Kenyans consume them as a delicacy.


To start a grasshopper farm, you need to obtain breeding stock. Capture some wild grasshoppers to get started, then house them in a screened enclosure.

Provide branches or twigs for the grasshoppers to perch on, and feed them a diet of fresh greens, grasses, and vegetables.

The female grasshopper will lay tiny eggs in the soil, which hatch into nymphs and then molt into adults.


Keep the grasshoppers in a well-ventilated enclosure, like a mesh-covered frame.

The mesh should be fine enough to contain the grasshoppers and nymphs.

Provide sticks, leaves, and other foliage for the grasshoppers to climb on.

Keep the enclosure in a warm area out of direct sunlight.


Feed your grasshoppers a diet of nutritious greens, grasses, and vegetables such as kale, cabbage, carrots, and leafy weeds.

Also provide bran or grain, and always have fresh, clean water available.

Grasshoppers need a constant supply of food to grow and breed.


Once the grasshoppers reach adult size, they can be harvested.

You can harvest grasshoppers by hand, using nets to capture them.

Then freeze, dry, or cook the grasshoppers immediately.

Grasshoppers can be sold live, fresh, or processed into products like grasshopper flour.

There is growing demand for grasshoppers as a sustainable, eco-friendly source of nutrition.

Grasshopper farming does not require much space or capital to get started.

With a steady supply of breeding stock and food, a single enclosure can produce a good harvest of grasshoppers to sell to local markets or restaurants. Grasshopper farming is an agricultural business idea poised to take off in Kenya.

6. Rabbit Farming

Rabbit farming, also known as cuniculture, is a lucrative agricultural business ideas in Kenya. Rabbits are easy to care for and breed quickly, making them an ideal livestock animal for small farms.

Breed Selection

Choose a breed suitable for meat and fur production, such as New Zealand Whites, Californians, or Flemish Giants. These larger breeds are hardy, fast-growing, and produce plenty of offspring. Start with a breeding trio – one buck (male) and two does (females).


House your rabbits in elevated cages or hutches to protect them from predators. Provide nesting boxes for the does to give birth in. Keep cages in a sheltered area and line them with bedding like wood shavings, straw, or hay.


Feed your rabbits a diet of grass hays like timothy, oat, or orchard grass, along with commercial pelleted feed. Provide a constant supply of fresh, clean water. Also give leafy green vegetables, root veggies, and occasional fruit as treats.


Does can breed at 4-6 months and produce litters of 6-10 kits. Breed your does every 3 months to maximize production. The gestation period is around 31 days. Kits will nurse for 4-6 weeks before weaning.


Have a veterinarian examine your rabbits regularly and vaccinate them against diseases like myxomatosis. Watch for common health issues such as overgrown teeth, ear mites, fleas, and intestinal parasites. Provide nesting boxes, food, and water containers that your rabbits cannot spill or contaminate.

Processing and Sales

Process rabbits for meat at 10-12 weeks when they reach 4-6 pounds. Sell to local butchers, restaurants, or at markets. Rabbit fur can also be sold to fur traders. Average profits from meat and fur sales range from Ksh 35,000 to 50,000 per rabbit per year.

With the proper care and breeding, a small rabbitry of a few does and a buck can produce a steady income stream for a family farm. As demand grows, expanding your operation to include more breeding does and quality hutches can lead to even greater success.

7. Snail Farming

Snail farming, also known as heliciculture, is a lucrative agricultural business ideas in Kenya. Snails are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs, so they can reproduce rapidly. Their meat is also considered a delicacy and is high in protein.

Breeding Stock

To get started, you’ll need to obtain high-quality breeding stock. Look for species that grow quickly, such as the Achatina fulica. Buy juvenile snails that are at least 6 months old. House them in a pen with damp soil, leaves, and twigs. Feed them a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as commercial snail feed or pellets.


Keep your snails in a well-ventilated hutch or pen. The ideal temperature is around 77 F. The enclosure should have damp soil, hiding spots, and climbing areas. Snails also need access to calcium for their shells, so provide a shallow dish of lime or ground eggshells.

Care and Feeding

  • Feed your snails a diet of fresh produce, commercial snail feed, and calcium sources. Good options include leafy greens, cucumbers, carrots, and sweet potatoes.
  • Mist your snails with water or sprinkle water over their enclosure to keep the humidity high. The soil should be damp but not soggy.
  • Handle your snails as little as possible to avoid stressing them. Only handle them when moving them to a new enclosure or for health checks.
  • Check your snails regularly for any signs of disease or injury. Look for sluggishness, loss of appetite, cracked shells, or mucus-covered bodies. Separate any unhealthy snails from the group.


Once your snails are mature, they will start breeding on their own. The gestation period is around 2 to 4 weeks. Separate the baby snails from the adults after they hatch to avoid injury. House them in a nursery enclosure with damp soil and plenty of food to help them grow quickly. In about 6 months, the juvenile snails will be ready to sell or use as breeders.

With the proper care and breeding, snail farming can be a very profitable business. The demand for snails is high, especially in urban areas, and with a steady supply, you’ll have a thriving market.

8. Mushroom Farming

Mushroom farming is a very profitable agricultural business ideas in Kenya. Mushrooms are highly nutritious and a good source of protein.

They are low in calories and high in nutrients like copper, potassium, selenium, and antioxidants. The demand for mushrooms is increasing in Kenya due to their nutritional and health benefits.

Choosing a Mushroom Species

The two most common mushrooms grown commercially are oyster and button mushrooms.

Oyster mushrooms are more suitable for small-scale production. They grow quickly and have a high yield. Button mushrooms require more investment but also have a high market demand.

Choose a species based on your budget and available resources.

Obtaining Spawn and Substrate

Mushroom spawn refers to the material used to inoculate the substrate and start the cultivation process.

Substrate is the material on which the mycelium grows. Popular substrates for oyster mushrooms include straw, sawdust, and cottonseed hulls. For button mushrooms, composted manure is commonly used. You can purchase spawn and pre-made substrates to get started.

Providing the Right Environment

Mushrooms require warm and humid conditions to grow. Maintain temperatures of 65 to 72 F. Use a humidifier to keep relative humidity above 85%. Fresh air circulation is also important, so place an exhaust fan in your growing room. Mushrooms also need 12 hours of light per day, so install proper lighting.

Harvesting and Packing

Oyster mushrooms will be ready to harvest in about 2 to 3 weeks. Gently twist or cut them off at the base.

Button mushrooms take around 5 to 6 weeks to mature. Use a sharp knife to cut them off without damaging the casing layer.

Gently wash mushrooms and pat dry with a towel.

Pack in breathable containers and refrigerate immediately to preserve freshness.

With the increasing demand for mushrooms, mushroom farming can be a very lucrative business in Kenya.

By choosing a suitable species, obtaining high-quality spawn and substrate, providing the proper environmental conditions, and ensuring quick harvesting and packing, you’ll be on your way to success with this agricultural venture.

9. Vermiculture and Organic Fertilizer Production

Vermiculture and organic fertilizer production are two agricultural businesses that are gaining more interest in Kenya. These eco-friendly businesses are sustainable and help local farmers improve soil health and crop yields in an affordable way.


Vermiculture, also known as worm farming, involves breeding earthworms to produce vermicompost, an organic fertilizer and soil conditioner. Earthworms feed on organic waste matter like food scraps, manure, and crop residue, and turn it into nutrient-rich castings. These castings can then be harvested and sold as fertilizer.

To start a vermiculture business, you need a shady area, containers for the worms like wooden boxes or plastic bins, bedding like shredded paper or coconut coir, and red wiggler worms which are excellent composters. Feed your worms a diet of fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, grass clippings and manure. Maintain the proper moisture and temperature, and in a few months, you’ll have vermicompost ready to harvest and sell. Many farmers and gardeners are willing to pay a premium for vermicompost since it’s organic and helps improve soil structure.

Organic Fertilizer Production

Producing organic fertilizers is another lucrative business. You can make liquid fertilizers like compost tea, manure tea or slurry, as well as dry fertilizers from materials like animal manure, crop waste, wood ash, and bone meal. The key is to obtain high-quality, organic ingredients, combine them in the proper ratios, and allow adequate time for the materials to break down into a nutrient-rich fertilizer.

Compost tea, made by steeping compost in water, is a popular organic fertilizer. To produce it, fill a container with compost and water, then aerate it for 1-2 weeks before straining and bottling the liquid. Manure tea and slurry are made similarly using manure as the base. Dry fertilizers can be produced by composting ingredients for several months until they turn into a crumbly, earthy-smelling mixture. With some marketing, these organic fertilizers can be sold to farmers, gardeners and anyone concerned about sustainable growing practices.

The demand for eco-friendly agricultural products and sustainable farming methods is increasing in Kenya. Vermiculture and organic fertilizer production are two businesses poised to grow within this trend. By providing local farmers with natural and affordable ways to improve crop health, these businesses can be both profitable and impactful.


So there you have it, list of the best agricultural business ideas in Kenya to get you started.

With over 80% of Kenyans employed in the agricultural sector, the opportunities in this industry are endless.

Whether you want to grow crops, raise livestock, process agricultural goods or provide equipment and services to farmers, there are many ways to build a successful agribusiness.

Kenya’s fertile land, abundant natural resources and growing population mean the demand for food will only increase over time.

If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, the passion for agriculture, and the motivation to work hard, any of these agricultural business ideas in Kenya could be your ticket to success.

What are you waiting for? Pick an idea, make a plan and get started today.The future of Kenya’s agriculture industry is in your hands.

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