List of Sub Counties in Bomet County

List of Sub Counties in Bomet County

Below is a list of Sub Counties in Bomet County. Bomet County is one of the 47 counties in Kenya and is located in the former Rift Valley Province. It has a population of around 875,000 people and covers an area of approximately 1,997 square kilometers.

The county is known for its tea and coffee plantations, as well as its agricultural products such as maize, beans, and wheat. If you are planning to visit or move to Bomet County, it’s essential to know the different sub-counties that make up the county.

Here is a comprehensive list of sub-counties in Bomet County:

1. Bomet Central Sub-County

Bomet Central Sub-County is one of the six sub-counties in Bomet County. It covers an area of 346.3 square kilometers and has a population of around 150,000 people. The sub-county is known for its tea and coffee plantations, as well as its fertile agricultural lands.

2. Bomet East Sub-County

Bomet East Sub-County is also one of the six sub-counties in Bomet County. It covers an area of 293.5 square kilometers and has a population of around 100,000 people. The sub-county is known for its beautiful landscapes, including the famous Kapkatet Forest Reserve.

3. Chepalungu Sub-County

Chepalungu Sub-County covers an area of 356.6 square kilometers and has a population of around 120,000 people. The sub-county is known for its beautiful landscapes and tea and coffee plantations. It’s also home to the famous Chelalang’at Hill, which offers a stunning view of the surrounding area.

4. Konoin Sub-County

Konoin Sub-County is one of the six sub-counties in Bomet County. It covers an area of 303.9 square kilometers and has a population of around 130,000 people. The sub-county is known for its fertile agricultural lands and tea plantations.

5. Sotik Sub-County

Sotik Sub-County is located in the southern part of Bomet County and covers an area of 449.6 square kilometers. It has a population of around 200,000 people and is known for its tea and coffee plantations and beautiful natural scenery.

Also Checkout: Sub Counties in Kericho

In conclusion, Bomet County is a beautiful and vibrant county in Kenya with many sub-counties that have unique features. Whether you are planning to visit or move to the county, it’s essential to know the different sub-counties and what they have to offer. This list of sub-counties in Bomet County will help you get started on your journey.