Poultry farming in Uganda

Poultry farming in Uganda

Last updated on March 2nd, 2024 at 05:54 pm

Having a poultry farm in Uganda has a lot of benefits. For you to succeed in this business, you will need to invest in a good poultry house, buy quality chickens and feed them well to maximize production.

Poultry farming is a very profitable business in Uganda. This is because the market for poultry products is always growing, and there is a lot of demand for eggs and meat.


There are also many different types of poultry farming in Uganda, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

Despite it being a profitable venture;

There are some challenges that come with poultry farming in Uganda, but with the right planning and execution, you can overcome them.

So, if you’re thinking of starting a poultry farm in Uganda, this article is for you.

What Is the cost of starting Poultry Farm in Uganda?

When starting a poultry farm in Uganda, you will need some money to get you started. The start up cost for poultry farming in Uganda is between UGX 3,677,000 and UGX 3,900,000. This amount includes the cost of purchasing the birds, constructing a shelter, buying feed and other equipments.

However, with a small capital investment, you can earn a good return on your investment. The average monthly income from a poultry farm is between 1,000,000 UGX and 3,500,000 UGX. This income can help supplement the family income and improve the living standards of the farmers

Benefits of Poultry Farming in Uganda

One of the benefits of starting a poultry farm in Uganda is that there is a ready market for the eggs and meat.

Poultry farming is a very lucrative business and it is possible to make a lot of money from it.

Another benefit of poultry farming in Uganda is that the birds are easy to keep and they don’t require a lot of space.

Types of Poultry farming in Uganda

There are different types of poultry farming in Uganda and the most common ones are chicken, duck, turkey and quail.

Another benefit of poultry keeping is that they are very easy to learn and there are many training institutions that offer courses on how to start and manage a poultry farm.


The most important thing to remember when starting a poultry farm is to ensure that you have a good source of feed for the birds.

The final benefit of poultry farming in Uganda is that it helps to improve food security in the country.

Different Types of Poultry Farming in the country

There are three types of poultry farming in Uganda which are; extensive farming, semi-intensive farming and intensive farming.

In extensive farming, the birds are kept in a large open space and are allowed to roam around. This type of farming is common in rural areas.

In semi-intensive farming, the birds are kept in a small area and their feed is given to them. This type of farming is common in urban areas.

In intensive farming, the birds are kept in a very small area and their feed is given to them through a feeder. This type of farming is common in industrial areas.

The amount of space needed for poultry farming depends on the type of poultry that you want to keep. For example, a chicken needs about 0.5 square meters while a turkey needs about 10 square meters.

Space Needed for Poultry Farming

Starting a poultry farm in Uganda requires space.

Depending on the size, you will need between 200 and 1,000 square feet of land.

Generally speaking, free range chicken need more space (two to three times more) than those raised in cages. This is because the cage-raised birds are able to move around within their own space, but the free-range chickens need room to roam and forage for food.

So be sure to factor in the amount of land your birds will need when making your plans.

Aside from space for the chickens themselves, you’ll also need a place for them to sleep—this is typically known as a coop or henhouse—which needs to provide shade and protection from predators.

You will also need a feed storage area where you can keep feed and water containers. And it’s important that you have easy access to running water, so that you can easily fill the chickens’ water containers daily.

How to Feed Your Chicken in Uganda

In Uganda, there are many ways to feed your poultry. The traditional way of feeding is to provide your chickens with a combination of maize, cassava, and soya beans. But now, there are specialized feeds available for poultry that can be found in most major agricultural or livestock stores.

It’s important to note that the amount of feed you provide should vary based on the age and size of your birds—younger birds will need more protein and essential minerals than eggs layers.

You should also make sure that the food you give is adapted for the type of poultry you have—a layer may require different types of food than a bird bred for meat production.

Finally, if you’re looking to save some money, scraps from the kitchen can be a great supplement to your chicken’s diet—they’ll love eating things like melon rinds and cooked leftover vegetables. Just make sure whatever you feed them is fresh and free from harmful bacteria.

Market Size and Pros and Cons for Poultry Farming in Uganda

Are you looking to start poultry farming in Uganda? If so, you’ll be interested to know that Uganda has been one of the fastest-growing markets for poultry products. With an estimated 10 million chickens, it’s now the third largest producer of eggs and chicken meat in Sub-Saharan Africa.

In terms of pros and cons for poultry farming operations in Uganda, there are a few key points to consider. On the plus side, it is relatively inexpensive to start a poultry farm — laying hens can cost as little as 11,000 UGX each and also feed prices tend to be low.

Additionally, demand for fresh eggs and chicken meat is high with plenty of potential customers around the country.

On the downside, however, there can be challenges such as strict regulations on the sale of eggs and limited market access for small farmers.

In addition, since most poultry farmers are small-scale operations with limited resources and capital, they are often unable to make investments in new technologies that could improve their productivity.

Nevertheless, with some careful planning and an eye on the market conditions, entering into poultry farming in Uganda can be profitable.

So, there you have it. poultry farming is a lucrative business in Uganda. You can make a lot of money from it if you do it right.

However, there are some challenges you will face along the way. But with a bit of hard work and dedication, you can overcome these challenges and make a lot of money from your poultry farm.


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