How to Make Money from Kunde Farming in Kenya

How to Make Money from Kunde Farming in Kenya

Last updated on March 2nd, 2024 at 05:52 pm

If you’re looking for a profitable venture in Kenya, you might want to consider Kunde farming or Cowpeas farming.

Kunde is a legume that is popular in many Kenyan households due to its rich nutritional content and affordability.

In fact, Kunde or Cowpeas is not only a staple food in many households, but it’s also in high demand in restaurants and supermarkets across the country.

Kunde farming is not only profitable but also provides an opportunity to contribute to Kenya’s food security.


If you’re interested in Kunde farming in Kenya, this guide will give you an overview of how to make money from this venture, including steps to set up your farm, how to market your products, how to maximize profits, and how to overcome common challenges.

Steps to setting up Kunde farming

Kunde farming can be a profitable venture for farmers in Kenya.

However, like any farming venture, it also requires some careful planning and execution.

Without further ado here are the steps to setting up a successful Kunde farming operation in Kenya:

A. Choosing the right location

The first step to successful Kunde farming in Kenya is selecting the right location.

Kunde grows well in areas with well-drained soils and plenty of sunlight.

Also, you want to choose a location that’s easily accessible for transportation to your target markets.

B. Selecting the right seed

The next step is to choose the right seed. There are several varieties of Kunde seeds available, so it’s important to choose the one that’s best suited for your location and target market.

List of Cowpeas varieties grown in Kenya include;
  • Katumani 80 (K80)
  • KVU 27-1, 419
  • Kunde 1
  • MTW 63, 610
  • Machakos 66 (M66)
  • Kitui black eye
  • Other local varieties

You can consult with agricultural extension officers or other farmers in your area to determine the best seed for your needs.

List of Kunde Seeds Suppliers
  • Simlaw seed Company
  • Jiji
  • Kenya Seeds

C. Preparing the land

Once you have your seeds, it’s time to prepare the land. Clear the land of any debris or weeds, and ensure that it’s well-tilled to create a fine seedbed.

If your soil is not fertile enough, you can add manure or other organic fertilizers to improve its fertility.

Read Also: Lettuce farming in Kenya

D. Planting Kunde seeds

When it’s time to plant, ensure that you plant your Kunde seeds at the right depth, spacing, and time. The ideal spacing for Kunde is 60cm by 30cm, and the best time to plant is during the rainy season.

This ensures that your seeds will have enough water to germinate and grow. Which makes it ready for market between 60 to 80 days.

E. Caring for Kunde plants

Finally, it’s important to care for your Kunde plants properly. This includes watering them regularly, weeding to prevent competition for nutrients, and applying appropriate pesticides or fungicides to prevent pests and diseases.

You should also monitor your plants closely and be ready to take action in case of any problems.

By following these steps, you can set up a successful Kunde farming in Kenya operation that can provide a sustainable source of income for you and your family.

Marketing your Kunde products

Marketing is a critical aspect of any business, and Kunde farming is no exception.

You need to identify your target market and come up with a sales strategy to ensure you reach as many potential customers as possible.

Here are some tips to help you market your Kunde products effectively:

A. Identifying your target market

The first step in marketing your Kunde products is to identify your target market.

Who are the people that will be interested in buying your Kunde products?

In Kenya, Kunde is a popular delicacy, especially in the coastal region. You can start by targeting the local market, but don’t limit yourself.

Consider exploring other potential markets such as supermarkets, hotels, and restaurants.

B. Establishing a sales strategy

Once you have identified your target market, the next step is to establish a sales strategy. You can sell your Kunde products directly to consumers or through middlemen such as wholesalers or retailers.

Direct sales can be done through farmers’ markets, roadside stands, or online platforms such as social media. You can also consider partnering with other farmers to form a cooperative and sell your Kunde products collectively.

C. Developing partnerships

Another way to market your Kunde products is by developing partnerships. You can partner with local hotels and restaurants to supply them with fresh Kunde.

You can also collaborate with other farmers to form a network that can supply large quantities of Kunde products to major buyers.

D. Branding and packaging

Branding and packaging are crucial in marketing your Kunde products.

Make sure you come up with a brand name and logo that is catchy and easy to remember.

Your packaging should also be attractive and informative. Include details such as the nutritional value of Kunde, the benefits of consuming it, and cooking tips.

In summary, marketing your Kunde products is key to making profits from Kunde farming. Identify your target market, establish a sales strategy, develop partnerships, and brand and package your products attractively.

By implementing these tips, you’ll be well on your way to making money from Kunde farming in Kenya.

Maximizing profits from Kunde farming

Once you have successfully grown your Kunde crops and harvested them, the next step is to maximize profits from your farming activities.

Here are some strategies you can employ to ensure that you earn the most from your Kunde farming venture:

A. Value addition

One way to maximize profits from Kunde farming is to add value to your products.

Instead of selling the raw Kunde seeds, you can process them into different products such as Kunde flour, Kunde soup mix, or even Kunde snacks.

Value addition not only increases your profits, but also enables you to target a wider market.

You can package your Kunde products in attractive, well-branded packaging to appeal to customers.

B. Diversification

Diversification is another way to maximize profits from Kunde farming in Kenya.

You can grow different varieties of Cowpeas crops to cater to different markets. For instance, you can grow Katumani 80 (K80), KVU 27-1, 419, Kunde 1, MTW 63, 610, Machakos 66 (M66), Kitui black eye.

You can also diversify by growing other crops alongside Kunde, such as vegetables or fruits. This will ensure that you have a variety of products to offer to your customers, reducing your reliance on a single crop.

C. Using technology

Technology can also help you maximize profits from Kunde farming. You can use modern farming techniques such as irrigation, pest control, and soil testing to increase your yield and improve the quality of your Kunde crops.

You can also leverage digital platforms such as social media to market your Kunde products and reach a wider audience.

D. Accessing financial support

Finally, accessing financial support can help you maximize profits from Kunde farming in Kenya.

You can apply for loans or grants from organizations that support agriculture in Kenya, such as the Agricultural Finance Corporation (AFC) or the Youth Enterprise Development Fund (YEDF). These funds can be used to buy farming inputs, machinery, or even to expand your farming operations.

By employing these strategies, you can maximize profits from your Kunde farming venture and ensure that you earn a decent income.

However, as with any business venture, it is important to stay informed about the market trends, seek professional advice, and be open to adapting to change.

Challenges and Solutions

Kunde farming can be a profitable venture, but like any other business, it comes with its own set of challenges. In this section, we’ll discuss some of the common challenges that Kunde farmers in Kenya face, and explore some possible solutions to overcome them.

A. Common Challenges

  1. Pests and diseases: Kunde plants are susceptible to various pests and diseases, which can significantly affect their yield and quality. Common pests that attack Kunde plants include aphids, mites, and whiteflies, while diseases such as powdery mildew and leaf spots can also be problematic.
  2. Unpredictable weather patterns: Kenya’s climate is highly unpredictable, and Kunde farmers may face challenges such as drought or floods, which can affect the growth and yield of their crops.
  3. Limited market access: Despite the increasing demand for Kunde products in Kenya, farmers may struggle to find markets for their products, especially in areas where Kunde is not a common food.

B. Possible Solutions

  1. Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Adopting an IPM approach can help Kunde farmers to manage pests and diseases effectively. This involves using a combination of cultural, biological, and chemical control methods to minimize pest and disease damage.
  2. Climate-smart agriculture: Farmers can adopt climate-smart agriculture practices, such as conservation agriculture and rainwater harvesting, to cope with the unpredictable weather patterns. This can help to reduce the risks associated with weather-related challenges.
  3. Market diversification: Kunde farmers can explore new markets for their products by diversifying their product range, such as developing processed Kunde products like Kunde flour or Kunde snacks. This can also help to increase the value of their produce.
  4. Collaboration and networking: Farmers can collaborate with other Kunde farmers or form producer groups to access new markets, share knowledge and skills, and access financial support from organizations such as NGOs or government agencies.

In conclusion, while Kunde farming in Kenya can be profitable, farmers need to be aware of the challenges that come with it. By adopting the right strategies and solutions, farmers can overcome these challenges and maximize their profits from Kunde farming in Kenya.

Image credit: Walden Effect