List of NGOs that employ community health workers in Kenya

List of NGOs that employ community health workers in Kenya

NGOs that employ community health workers in Kenya

Are you looking for a way to make a meaningful difference in the lives of people in Kenya? Community health workers can have a huge impact on the well-being of communities, and there are many organizations that are looking for volunteers or staff to contribute to this important work.

If you’re interested in getting involved with one of these NGOs, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most notable NGOs that employ the community health workers in Kenya. These organizations provide vital services and support to those who need it most—this is your chance to be part of something bigger than yourself.

Read on to find out which NGO could be the right fit for you.

In no particular order here is a list of NGOs that employ community health workers in Kenya

1. Plan International Kenya

If you’re looking to work as a community health worker in Kenya, Plan International Kenya is a great organization to consider. They are committed to ensuring that all children have access to health care and education in the country.

They employ hundreds of community health workers across the country who work with vulnerable populations, particularly children, to provide access to health information and services.

Their staff of trained community health workers provide basic medical care and education on everything from nutrition to hygiene, helping families stay healthy and active.

Additionally, they focus on building relationships within the communities they serve, creating strong partnerships between local government, community leaders, and other organizations that allow for sustainable development.

2. International Rescue Committee (IRC) Kenya

If you’re looking for list of NGOs that employ community health workers in Kenya, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a great choice. The IRC works with vulnerable communities to provide healthcare access and build resilience to disasters and displacement crises.

This NGO provides basic services such as primary healthcare, nutrition, water and sanitation, mental health care, and reproductive health services.

Specifically for community health work, the IRC’s primary initiatives include community-level capacity building programs that provide comprehensive medical services and reproductive health care.

They also offer health promotion facilities that encourage people in communities to regularly seek medical attention as needed.

Additionally, the IRC provides training for community health workers on topics including but not limited to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), nutrition counseling, gender-based violence prevention and response, child protection, HIV prevention and testing services.

3. Living Goods: Using Technology to Support Community Health Workers

Living Goods is a non-profit organization that uses data and technology to support and equip community health workers in Kenya to deliver better health outcomes. Their platform provides a two-way communication system that helps to connect the community health workers with their clients, allowing them to provide timely and personalized care.

Living Goods invests in training their community health workers, engaging with the medical professionals they work with, and using technology to ensure high quality care. In addition, they offer workshops for the communities they serve to promote better health practices, such as hygiene, nutrition, and disease prevention.

They believe in empowering local organizations by providing them with financial resources and mentorship, as well as forming partnerships with other organizations in order to maximize impact. This enables Living Goods to reach more citizens who may not have had access to healthcare.

Living Goods is actively working towards achieving universal healthcare access for everyone living in Kenya through their supportive network of Community Health Workers.

4. Mercy Corps-Kenya’s Community Health Volunteers

Mercy Corps Kenya is an international humanitarian and development organization with a mission to alleviate suffering, poverty, and oppression by helping people to build secure, productive, and just communities.

In order to achieve this goal, Mercy Corps employs community health workers, also known as Community Health Volunteers (CHVs).

CHVs are trained in essential health services such as maternal and child healthcare and basic first aid.

They also help create awareness of health-related issues within their respective communities.

CHVs are the frontline workers for Mercy Corps Kenya in providing healthcare solutions at the community level.

Mercy Corps Kenya aims to train 4,500 CHVs in order to expand access to healthcare services among underserved populations.

Through this initiative, Mercy Corps provides CHVs with standardized training in a variety of topics that include basic medical education and preventive health measures.

They also receive additional support through mentorship programs as well as materials such as backpacks which contain biomedical supplies.

The CHV program is an important part of Mercy Corps’ holistic approach to community health service delivery in Kenya.

Their efforts not only extend access to quality healthcare services, but also provide much-needed support for local communities across the country.

5. AMREF Health Africa Kenya and Community Health Workers

For nearly seven decades, AMREF Health Africa Kenya has been focused on providing healthcare and disease-prevention programs to vulnerable and marginalized communities throughout Kenya.

The goal of AMREF is to provide equitable access to health care where it is most needed.

AMREF’s community health workers are people from the community who are trained on a variety of skills.

They can do things like perform simple medical services, provide basic health education and help identify indicators for illnesses that require advanced medical attention. They also play a role in identifying environmental health risks and other factors that can contribute to ill-health.

With the help of these community health workers, AMREF Health Africa Kenya has been able to extend its reach beyond traditional healthcare facilities, providing care opportunities in remote, often hard-to-reach areas.

This allows them to target communities that are particularly affected by poverty and lack of access to medical resources.

By employing their own community health workers, they have been able to succeed in their mission of improving the healthcare landscape in Kenya.


With the list of NGOs that employ community health workers in Kenya, it is clear that there are many organizations that are taking action to improve access to healthcare in the country. By supporting these organizations and volunteering or making a donation, you can play a part in helping to ensure that everyone in Kenya has access to quality healthcare.

Additionally, by learning more about community health workers, you can better understand how they are affecting health outcomes in Kenya. With the right support, these organizations and the community health workers they employ can continue to make a difference in the lives of many people.