Bizhack Kenya

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List of Problems Facing Hospitality Industry in Kenya

ByBizhack Editorial

May 30, 2023
List of Problems Facing Hospitality Industry in Kenya

Last updated on June 1st, 2023 at 11:55 pm

Below is a list of problems facing hospitality industry in Kenya. The hospitality industry in Kenya is a vital sector that has contributed significantly to the country’s economy. However, despite its importance, the industry is facing numerous challenges that are affecting its growth and development. In this article, we will explore some of the problems facing the hospitality industry in Kenya.

Without further ado here is a list of Problems Facing Hospitality Industry in Kenya:

1. High Operating Costs

One of the significant challenges that the hospitality industry in Kenya is facing is high operating costs. The cost of energy, labor, and raw materials has been increasing steadily, making it challenging for hotels and restaurants to maintain their profit margins.

2. Lack of Skilled Labor

The hospitality industry requires skilled labor to provide high-quality services to customers. However, there is a shortage of skilled labor in the industry, which has resulted in a decline in service quality. In addition, the high turnover rate of employees due to low pay and poor working conditions has also contributed to the lack of skilled labor.

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3. Competition from Informal Sector

The informal sector, which comprises small eateries and street vendors, poses a significant threat to the hospitality industry in Kenya. These businesses are often unregulated and can offer lower prices, making them more attractive to customers.

4. Inadequate Infrastructure

Kenya’s hospitality industry relies heavily on infrastructure such as roads, airports, and communication networks. However, the inadequate infrastructure in the country has made it difficult for the industry to reach its full potential. Poor roads and unreliable electricity supply can lead to cancellations and loss of revenue.

5. High Taxation

High taxation is another challenge that the hospitality industry is facing in Kenya. The industry is subjected to various taxes, including value-added tax, excise duty, and income tax. These taxes increase the cost of doing business, making it difficult for hotels and restaurants to remain competitive.

6. Security Concerns

Security concerns in Kenya have adversely affected the hospitality industry. Tourists and business travelers are hesitant to visit the country due to safety concerns, leading to a decline in the number of visitors. This has had a significant impact on hotels and restaurants, which rely heavily on tourism.

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7. Lack of Investment

Another challenge facing the hospitality industry in Kenya is the lack of investment. The industry requires significant investment in infrastructure, technology, and human resources to remain competitive. However, the lack of investment has made it difficult for hotels and restaurants to keep up with changing customer preferences.

In conclusion, the hospitality industry in Kenya is facing numerous challenges that are affecting its growth and development. The high operating costs, lack of skilled labor, competition from the informal sector, inadequate infrastructure, high taxation, security concerns, and lack of investment are some of the hurdles that the industry needs to overcome. Addressing these challenges will require a concerted effort from all stakeholders, including the government, private sector, and industry players.

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