List of Sub Counties in Kilifi County

List of Sub Counties in Kilifi County

Kilifi County is located on the coast of Kenya, bordering the Indian Ocean to the east. It is one of the largest counties in the country, covering an area of approximately 12,245 square kilometers. The county is divided into seven constituencies, which are further subdivided into 35 wards. In this blog post, we will provide a list of sub-counties in Kilifi County.

List of Sub Counties in Kilifi County

01. Ganze Sub-county

Ganze sub-county is one of the largest sub-counties in Kilifi County, covering an area of approximately 3,108 square kilometers. It has a population of about 96,000 people and is located in the northern part of the county.

02. Kaloleni Sub-county

Kaloleni sub-county is located in the central part of Kilifi County. It has a population of about 150,000 people and covers an area of approximately 1,345 square kilometers.

03. Kilifi North Sub-county

Kilifi North sub-county is located in the northern part of Kilifi County. It has a population of about 130,000 people and covers an area of approximately 828 square kilometers.

04. Kilifi South Sub-county

Kilifi South sub-county is located in the southern part of Kilifi County. It has a population of about 93,000 people and covers an area of approximately 526 square kilometers.

05. Magarini Sub-county

Magarini sub-county is located in the northern part of Kilifi County. It has a population of about 98,000 people and covers an area of approximately 1,706 square kilometers.

06. Malindi Sub-county

Malindi sub-county is located in the eastern part of Kilifi County. It has a population of about 250,000 people and covers an area of approximately 3,018 square kilometers.

07. Rabai Sub-county

Rabai sub-county is located in the southern part of Kilifi County. It has a population of about 60,000 people and covers an area of approximately 518 square kilometers

Sub County NameMain Activities
MalindiTourism, Fishing, Agriculture
Kilifi NorthAgriculture, Livestock Farming, Forestry
Kilifi SouthAgriculture, Fishing, Mining
GanzeLivestock Farming, Agriculture, Forestry
MagariniAgriculture, Fishing, Livestock Farming
RabaiAgriculture, Fishing, Handicrafts
KaloleniAgriculture, Fishing, Mining

Hope you liked this list of Sub Counties in Kilifi county.

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