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List of Sub Counties in Wajir County

ByBizhack Editorial

Mar 7, 2023
List of Sub Counties in Wajir County

Last updated on May 29th, 2023 at 12:04 pm

Wajir County, located in the northeastern part of Kenya, is one of the 47 counties in the country. The county has a total of 6 sub-counties, each with unique features and characteristics. In this blog post, we will delve into a list of Sub Counties in Wajir County, highlighting their distinct features.

Here’s a List of Sub Counties in Wajir County

1. Wajir East Sub-county

Wajir East is one of the sub-counties in Wajir County. It is located in the eastern part of the county and is bordered by Garissa County to the south. The sub-county is predominantly inhabited by the Ajuran, Degodia, and Ogaden clans. The sub-county is known for its pastoralism, with residents keeping livestock such as camels, goats, and sheep. The main economic activities in Wajir East include livestock keeping, trade, and commerce.

2. Wajir North Sub-county

Wajir North is another sub-county in Wajir County. It is located in the northern part of the county and is bordered by Somalia to the east. The sub-county is predominantly inhabited by the Ajuuraan, Degodia, and Ogaden clans. The sub-county is known for its vast expanses of desert and arid land. The residents in this sub-county rely heavily on livestock keeping for their livelihoods.

3. Wajir South Sub-county

Wajir South is located in the southern part of Wajir County. The sub-county is bordered by Garissa County to the west and Lamu County to the east. It is predominantly inhabited by the Degodia, Ajuran, and Ogaden clans. The sub-county is known for its diverse cultural practices, including the Elwana dance, which is performed by the Ajuran community during special occasions.

4. Tarbaj Sub-county

Tarbaj is another sub-county in Wajir County. It is located in the central part of the county and is predominantly inhabited by the Ogaden and Ajuran clans. The sub-county is known for its fertile lands, which are suitable for crop farming. The main crops grown in this sub-county include maize, beans, and sorghum. In addition to agriculture, residents in Tarbaj also engage in livestock keeping and trade.

5. Eldas Sub-county

Eldas is located in the northeastern part of Wajir County. The sub-county is bordered by Ethiopia to the north and Somalia to the east. The sub-county is predominantly inhabited by the Ajuran and Degodia clans. The main economic activities in Eldas include livestock keeping, trade, and commerce.

6. Wajir West Sub-county

Wajir West is another sub-county in Wajir County. It is located in the western part of the county and is predominantly inhabited by the Degodia, Ajuran, and Ogaden clans. The sub-county is known for its diverse cultural practices, including the Qafar dance, which is performed by the Ogaden community during special occasions.

Hope you liked this list of Sub Counties in Wajir County.

Also Read;

List of Sub Counties in Garissa county

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