Bizhack Kenya

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Sheep feed & nutrition management practices in Kenya

ByElijah Ludenyi

Apr 23, 2023
Sheep feed and nutrition management practices in Kenya

Last updated on March 2nd, 2024 at 05:52 pm

Sheep farming is an important aspect of Kenya’s agricultural industry. The country is home to several sheep breeds, including the Dorper, Red Maasai, and Merino. To ensure that sheep remain healthy and productive, it is essential to manage their nutrition carefully. In this blog post, we will discuss some sheep feed and nutrition management practices that are commonly used in Kenya.

Forage-Based Diets

In Kenya, forage-based diets are the most common feeding method for sheep. Farmers rely on natural pastures, and hay and silage production to provide their flocks with the necessary nutrients. The quality and quantity of forage will depend on the season, rainfall patterns, and location of the farm. In the dry season, farmers may need to supplement the diet with concentrates to ensure that their sheep receive adequate nutrients.

Concentrate Feeds

Concentrate feeds are used to supplement forage-based diets.

These feeds are formulated to meet specific nutritional needs, and usually they contain a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and minerals.


Commonly used concentrates in Kenya include maize bran, wheat bran, cottonseed cake, and sunflower cake.

The choice of concentrate feed will depend on availability, cost, and nutritional composition.

Mineral Supplementation

Mineral supplementation is essential to maintain the health and productivity of sheep. Commonly used minerals include salt, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. Sheep farmers in Kenya often provide minerals in the form of mineral blocks or premixed supplements. These supplements are essential to ensure that sheep receive adequate nutrients and to prevent mineral deficiencies.

Water Management

Water management is essential for the health of your sheep. Sheep require clean and fresh water to stay hydrated and maintain their health. In Kenya, farmers often rely on boreholes, rivers, and dams to provide water for their flocks. It is important to ensure that water sources are free from contaminants and that sheep have access to water at all times.

Feeding Management

Feeding management practices are crucial to ensure that sheep receive adequate nutrition. Sheep farmers in Kenya often feed their flocks twice a day, in the morning and evening. It is essential to ensure that the feeding area is clean and free from contaminants. Additionally, farmers should monitor the body condition of their sheep regularly and adjust the feeding program accordingly.

Sheep feed and nutrition management practices are essential to maintain the health and productivity of flocks in Kenya.

As a farmer you must ensure that your sheep receive adequate nutrients from forage-based diets, supplemented with concentrate feeds and minerals.

Therefore, proper water management and feeding management are crucial practices to ensure that sheep remain healthy and productive.

By adopting these practices, sheep farmers in Kenya can improve their flocks’ health and productivity, ultimately leading to increased income and better livelihoods.

The impact of good nutrition management on sheep farming

Proper nutrition management practices have a significant impact on sheep farming. Here are some of the benefits of good nutrition management practices:

  1. Improved growth rates

Sheep that receive a balanced diet and adequate nutrients grow faster and are more productive.

  1. Improved reproductive performance

A Sheep that receive a balanced diet and adequate nutrients is more likely to have healthier lambs and better reproductive performance.

  1. Improved wool quality

Sheep that receive a balanced diet and adequate nutrients produce better-quality wool.

  1. Improved disease resistance

Sheep that receive a balanced diet and adequate nutrients are less susceptible to diseases and infections.


Sheep feed and nutrition management practices in Kenya are crucial to sheep farming. Farmers should ensure that they provide a balanced diet, clean water, adequate grazing land, supplements, and good feeding management to their flocks. With proper nutrition management practices in place, farmers can expect improved growth rates, reproductive performance, wool quality, and disease resistance in their flocks.

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