List of Sub Counties in Kirinyaga county

List of Sub Counties in Kirinyaga county and Main Activities

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive list of sub-counties in Kirinyaga County, highlighting their respective locations and major economic activities. This information will be useful for anyone looking to understand the local government structure in Kirinyaga County or those interested in conducting research on the region

Kirinyaga County is one of the 47 counties in Kenya, located in the central region of the country. It covers an area of approximately 1,478 square kilometers and has a population of over 600,000 people. The county is divided into 5 administrative units known as sub-counties, which are further divided into wards. These sub-counties play a vital role in the provision of essential services to the local population, including healthcare, education, and security.

Here’s a list of Sub Counties in Kirinyaga county

Sub CountyMain Activities
Kirinyaga CentralAgriculture, Trading, Manufacturing
Kirinyaga EastAgriculture, Livestock rearing, Small-scale businesses
Kirinyaga WestAgriculture, Trading, Small-scale businesses, Manufacturing
Mwea EastAgriculture, Irrigation farming, Fishing
Mwea WestAgriculture, Irrigation farming, Fishing

In conclusion, Kirinyaga County is made up of 5 sub-counties, each with its own unique characteristics and features. These sub-counties include Kirinyaga Central, Kirinyaga East, Mwea East, Mwea West, and Kirinyaga West.

Each of these sub-counties has its own distinct culture, traditions, and heritage that make them a fascinating destination to explore.

The diversity of Kirinyaga County is truly remarkable and offers visitors a chance to experience Kenya’s rich culture and history. Whether you’re interested in exploring Kirinyaga’s rural landscapes or immersing yourself in its vibrant towns, there’s something for everyone in this beautiful county.

Hope you liked our list of Sub Counties in Kirinyaga County.

Also Read: List of Sub Counties in Nyeri county

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