MPs Salary in Kenya

The salaries of Members of Parliament (MPs) in Kenya

The salaries of Members of Parliament (MPs) in Kenya have been a subject of debate and controversy over the years.

Many Kenyans feel that the salaries of their elected representatives are exorbitant and do not reflect the economic realities of the country.

In this blog post, we will explore the current salary structure of MPs in Kenya and the factors that influence it.

First, it is important to note that the salaries of MPs in Kenya are determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC), an independent body mandated by the Constitution to set and review the remuneration of all public officers.

The SRC takes into account various factors such as the cost of living, economic performance, and the salaries of comparable professions when determining the salaries of MPs.

Currently, the basic salary of an MP in Kenya is Kshs. 710,000 per month. This is in addition to other allowances such as a car grant, mileage allowance, and a monthly sitting allowance of Kshs. 5,000 for every day the MP attends parliamentary sessions. This means that MPs in Kenya earn a total of over Kshs. 1 million per month.

MPs Salaries in Kenya

Basic Salary Ksh. 426, 000
House Allowance Ksh. 150,000
Market Adjustment Ksh. 134,00
Commuter Allowance Official
Total Salary Ksh. 710,000

Many Kenyans argue that this salary is too high for MPs who only work for a few months every year during parliamentary sessions.

They argue that the money could be better used to improve the lives of ordinary citizens through investments in healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

However, defenders of the current salary structure argue that MPs deserve a decent salary because of the important role they play in the governance of the country.

They argue that MPs work long hours, attend numerous meetings and public events, and are responsible for making important decisions that affect the lives of millions of Kenyans.

In addition to their salaries, MPs in Kenya also receive other benefits such as free medical insurance for themselves and their families, diplomatic passports, and access to government housing.

They also have access to government-funded travel and can attend conferences and workshops both locally and internationally.

In conclusion, the salaries of MPs in Kenya will always be a contentious issue as long as the country continues to grapple with issues of poverty and inequality.

While some argue that MPs deserve their high salaries, others feel that the money could be put to better use elsewhere. Ultimately, it is up to the SRC to balance these competing interests and ensure that MPs are fairly compensated for their work while also taking into account the needs of ordinary citizens.

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