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What are the factors affecting small scale farmers in Kenya?

This article will answer this question what are the factors affecting small scale farmers in Kenya. In the picturesque landscapes of Kenya, small-scale farming forms the backbone of the agricultural…

Importance of Dairy Farming in Kenya

This article focuses on the importance and benefits of dairy farming in Kenya. Dairy farming has long been a cornerstone of Kenya’s agricultural industry, contributing significantly to both the national…

How Much A Good Dairy Cow Should Cost

This article will help answer the question how much a good dairy cow should cost? The cost of a good dairy cow can vary widely depending on factors such as…

Benefits of Cow Manure Fertilizer and how to compost it

This article focuses on the benefits of cow manure fertilizer and how to compost it. In the realm of organic gardening and sustainable agriculture, cow manure fertilizer stands as a…

How to Manage Soil to Prevent Insects and Pests

This article focuses on how to manage soil to prevent insects and pests. Gardening and agriculture enthusiasts know that healthy plants are a result of multiple factors, with soil health…

10 Pillars Of Successful Dairy Farming In Kenya

This article focuses on 10 pillars of successful dairy farming in farming. So you want to start a successful dairy farm in Kenya? Buckle up, it’s going to be quite…

How to Increase Milk Fat Content

So you want to produce milk with a higher butterfat content, do you? You’ve come to the right place. As a lifelong dairy farmer myself, I’ve picked up a few…

Dismantling The Thought That Fruit Farming Is for The Poor

This article focuses on dismantling the thought that fruit farming is for the poor. When it comes to discussing farming, particularly fruit farming, the common perception is often that it…

Feeding Strategies for Dairy Cows in Kenya

Feeding Strategies for Dairy Cows in Kenya. When it comes to dairy farming in Kenya, one of the most crucial aspects that directly impacts milk production and cow health is…

List of Problems Facing Agriculture in Nigeria

This article shows you a list of problems facing agriculture in Nigeria. Agriculture has long been a significant sector in Nigeria, contributing to the nation’s economy and providing livelihoods for…