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Farming News

This section focuses on contemporary advancements and trends in agriculture and farming. It delves into technological innovations, sustainable methods, crop and livestock management, and market dynamics. Expect insights into agribusiness, climate effects, and progress enhancing productivity, efficiency, and ecological responsibility in farming.

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“The Lucrative Leap: From Cows to Goats in Kiambu’s Dairy Revolution”

PAY ATTENTION: FOLLOW BIZHACK FEED ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE In Kiambu County, a quiet revolution brews at Mwihoko Dairy Goat Farm. Here, Robert Macharia, the pioneering spirit behind this venture,…

Small-scale Scale transition to Irrigation Technology to Increase yields and revenues

Small-scale farmers in Kenya are gradually moving away from rain-fed farming, which is affected by drought, and embracing irrigation technologies to increase their revenue and yields. This is an industry…

KALRO Launches Five-Year National Agricultural Value Chain Development Project

In Summary: Kenya’s Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) has introduced a significant initiative known as the National Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (NAVCPD). This five-year project is designed to…

Murang’a Dairy Farmers Support Milk Processing Factory

In summary: The majority of dairy farmers in Murang’a have greeted with optimism the decision made by the county government to hand over the management of a milk factory to…

Early Harvest Woes: Impact of Premature Horticultural Produce on Export Markets

In summary: The government is expressing serious concerns about the continuous export of premature horticultural produce, which could potentially harm the reputation and quality of local products on the global…

KTDA Directors To Commence 2nd Payment Meetings

Factory directors of the 71 KTDA-managed factories are scheduled to hold meetings this month to evaluate and endorse the annual financial reports for the 2022–23 fiscal year. These meetings carry…

Agri-Preneurs Ready To Undertake Farmers’ Registration

Makueni County Governor, Mutula Kilonzo Jr., officially inaugurated the Agricultural Value Chain Profiling Exercise, a collaborative effort involving 503 agri-preneurs. This initiative is designed to comprehensively gather data on various…

Bringing Back Rare Fish in Lake Victoria Begins

In a collaborative effort between Victory Farms Organization, the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), and several other partners, a crucial initiative has been launched to combat the declining…

USAID Advocates For Deep-Tillage Farming Technology

The United States International Agency (USAID) funded Feed the Future Kenya Crops Market Systems (KCDMS) has embarked on a transformative initiative to bolster agricultural practices in the lower southeastern region.…

Boosting Incomes and Nutrition Through Livestock Donations

The Kwale County government has taken significant steps to empower small-scale farmers and combat hunger and poverty in the region. Through a grassroots initiative, the government has provided 48 dairy…