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Simple Ways to Increase Fuliza Limit

ByMoses Otieno

Feb 8, 2024
How to Increase Fuliza LimitHow to Increase Fuliza Limit

Last updated on February 16th, 2024 at 03:14 pm

Yes, it’s possible to increase your Fuliza limit from zero to Ksh500, or Ksh10,000 and above. Some of the simplest ways to increase your Fuliza limit quickly are to continue using Safaricom and M-PESA services frequently and repay Fuliza M-PESA on time by topping up your M-PESA account.

Fuliza is a continuous overdraft service that allows Safaricom M-PESA customers to complete transactions even when they do not have enough money in their M-PESA account. Fuliza service was introduced in 2019. It is owned by three entities: two banks ( NCBA bank holding 40 percent shares and KCB bank holding 20 percent shares.) Therefore, NCBA and KCB Bank are the underwriters of the facility, holding the majority shares of 60 percent of Fuliza.

The last entity is Safaricom, which also holds a portion of the shares. Safaricom is the largest telecommunications company in Kenya and therefore has partnered with the banks to offer the service through its M-PESA users. When you are an M-PESA user and you opt into Fuliza services, it means your data will be shared and collected by these three entities, which are KCB, NCBA, and Safaricom. The data collected about you as a customer is used to check your credit score and your transaction history. This helps Fuliza service providers analyze and assign your Fuliza limits.

This facility enables M-PESA customers to access funds multiple times, as long as they are within the Fuliza limit.

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7 ways to increase your Fuliza limit

Here’s a list of steps to follow to increase your Fuliza limit:

1. Use Safaricom Services Frequently

To increase your Fuliza limit, use Safaricom services and its products frequently. For example, buy airtime and use M-Pesa to send and receive funds. Why is this important? Fuliza service providers, KCB and NCBA, use the transaction history and cash flow of your M-PESA accounts to raise and assign limits. Therefore, transaction frequency and consistency show the Fuliza providers that you are a reliable customer, and your limit should be increased.

2. Make Timely Repayments

Fuliza limits can be increased naturally by repaying your loans on time. It is important to ensure that you are paying any outstanding Fuliza balances promptly, as this demonstrates that you are a responsible borrower. By consistently repaying your Fuliza loan balances on time, the service providers will consider you a low-risk borrower and may assign a higher limit.

Fuliza Loan Repayment Fee Calculator

Fuliza Loan Repayment Fee Calculator

3. Increase your M-PESA Transaction History

The Fuliza service providers process the transaction history of your M-PESA account to assign a loan. Therefore, the more transactions you make in M-PESA accounts, the higher your chance of increasing your Fuliza limit. It is because the facility operators, who are the lenders, consider the transaction history and payment efforts of the customers to assess your creditworthiness.

4. Maintain a Good Credit Score

A credit score is a three-digit number that rates your creditworthiness. For example, in Kenya, the Metro score ranges from 200 to 900, where a score of less than 400 indicates that the customer is in default. The score is used to assess a borrower's creditworthiness. As a lender, you use the credit score to determine the risk premium to be assigned to customers.

There are three major credit bureaus in Kenya: Creditinfo CRB, Metropol CRB, and TransUnion Kenya CRB. This trio dominates the market for collecting, analyzing, and disbursing information about consumers in the credit markets.

To maintain a good credit score, you need to pay debt balances on time. Avoid defaulting on loans or credit cards, and ensure that you maintain a good debt-to-income ratio. If your Fuliza limits are not increasing, please check your credit score status quickly and try to get out of CRB.

The Fuliza limit increase is determined based on your creditworthiness. Therefore, if you consistently repay your loans on time, you will increase your chance of reaching a higher Fuliza limit. But if you experience a lower Fuliza limit, even if you are paying your loan on time, it is important to check your credit score with the credit bureaus I shared above. This is because your limit might not be increasing due to a low and poor credit score because of a loan default. Therefore, it is important to check.

5. Upgrade your Mobile Money Account

On August 14, 2023, Safaricom was set to increase M-PESA account limits to Ksh500,000 following approval from the Central Bank of Kenya. The higher account limit was to be effective on August 15, 2023, for all M-Pesa customers. Is this important? Yes, when account limits are increased, your transaction history increases too; therefore, it directly affects how Fuliza limits are assigned. One way to upgrade your M-PESA account is by providing additional information about you, such as proof of income, to increase your Fuliza limit.

Another way to upgrade your M-PESA money account is by updating the M-PESA menu. Follow these steps to do that:

  • Go to Safaricom Menu( Toolkit)
  • Select M-PESA
  • Select My Account
  • Select Update Customer Menu
  • Enter M-PESA PIN
  • A pop-up appears and select OK to allow for Menu Updates
  • Accept to receive a message for a successful menu update

6. Request Limit Increase

The Fuliza limit can be increased by requesting a limit increase. However, this step has its advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages of requesting a Fuliza limit increase using the methodologies below can often lower your limit to zero. Therefore, it is not recommended. The advantage is that using the same methodology can sometimes increase your limit from zero to 300 or higher. This methodology can increase your limit as follows:

It can increase your limit from 0 to 300, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, and up to 5000. However, it is usually not guaranteed.

To request your Fuliza limit increase, follow the methodologies below:

  • Ensure you are an active user of M-PESA and Fuliza services. Also, ensure you repay your Fuliza loan on time and have no outstanding Fuliza loan balance
  • Dial *234# On registered M-Pesa line
  • Select Fuliza M-PESA
  • Select Opt-Out
  • Dial *234# again and select Opt-In Option

7. Use the Service for a Longer Period

Please note that using the Safaricom service can also help increase your Fuliza limit. However, being a loyal and consistent user for a longer period without considering other factors, as I have discussed above, may not have any value. Having a good credit score is one of the most important steps you should pay attention to. Because when you default on loans, your score may be lower, and lenders may be reluctant to increase your limit. Therefore, always maintain a good credit score first before considering a limit increase.

How to Hack Fuliza

Here's how to hack Fuliza:

Opt-out and Opt-in techniques to hack Fuliza limit increase

Caution! This action may drop your Fuliza limit to zero.

  1. Step 1:Open your phone app and dial *234#

    The first thing is to go to or find your default app and open the Fuliza menu.

  2. Step 2: Select "Fuliza M-pesa" option

    Next, select Fuliza M-pesa option 0 to open the services of Fuliza

  3. Step 3: Select the "Opt Out" option

    Next, select option 7—opt-out. To use the Fuliza limit trick, you need to first opt out of this services

  4. Step 4: Choose "Yes"

    Now select the yes option to finish opting out of Fuliza. Wait for 20 minutes.

  5. Step 5: Repeat the process to Opt-in

    Now repeat the same procedure when opting in and see if the option has worked for you.

How do I increase my Fuliza limit instantly?

To grow the Fuliza limit, you need to continue using Safaricom and M-PESA services and repay your Fuliza M-PESA facility on time by topping up your M-PESA account. However, customers on the Safaricom network for less than 6 months will have a zero limit.

What is the maximum Fuliza limit?

The maximum Fuliza limit is Ksh. 70,000/= while the minimum Fuliza loan limit ranges from 1-70000 kes.

How do you repay your Fuliza loan?

Any funds received or deposited in your M-PESA account will automatically be used to clear your outstanding Fuliza M-PESA.

A final thought on Fuliza increment

I hope you enjoyed my guide on how to increase the Fuliza limit.