Bizhack Kenya

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How to Start a Barbershop Business in Kenya

ByTristram Ouma

Jan 24, 2023
How to Start a Barbershop Business in Kenya

Last updated on March 2nd, 2024 at 05:45 pm

A barbershop business is an establishment that offers grooming and hairstyling services primarily for men. It provides a range of services, such as haircuts, shaves, beard trims, and other grooming treatments. Barbershops often create a unique and inviting atmosphere to cater to their customers, offering a blend of traditional and modern grooming techniques. The business model typically involves skilled barbers or hairstylists providing personalized grooming services to clients, and it may also include the sale of grooming products such as haircare and skincare items.

Therefore, getting into the barbershop business in Kenya is a great way to make money and provide a great service to the community. A barbershop in Kenya is also called a Kinyozi. Therefore, barbershops should be identified as Kinyozi.

A barber is a professional who specializes in cutting, grooming, and styling hair, particularly for men. Barbers earn money by providing various grooming services to their clients, such as haircuts, shaves, beard trims, and hairstyling. They typically charge fees for each service they offer, and the total earnings of a barber depend on factors like the number of clients they serve, the prices they set for their services, and the location of their barbershop or salon. Additionally, barbers may also generate income from tips provided by satisfied customers.

1. Identify Your Target Market

Identifying and understanding the demographics and preferences of your potential clients is always a key strategy when you first think of starting a barbershop business in Kenya. The importance of analyzing the demographics, preferences, and behaviors of your potential clientele helps you tailor your services effectively. So how do you achieve this? The best way to understand your target clients and customers as an entrepreneur is by spending time with them to watch and learn what they want and need.

Researching through social media to understand trending haircuts is one of the strategies to understand your market. On the other hand, you can search around your location to identify a market of men, women, and children seeking haircuts, hairstyles, shaving, beard grooming, and other barber services.

Is the barbershop business profitable in Kenya? What is the market for the business?

The Kenyan barbershop market is experiencing a surge in popularity, driven by growing awareness of self-care, evolving grooming trends, and a rising middle class with disposable income. However, the market size of these Kinyozi is estimated at KES 15 billion (USD 135 million) and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.5% in the coming years. This business provides employment for an estimated 50,000 barbers and stylists in Kenya. The increasing use of online booking platforms, mobile barber services, and social media marketing is one of the strategies used to market barbershops in Kenya. According to all this information, running a barbershop is still profitable despite the market surge, but you need to have the right business structure and systems that work.

2. Choose a Strategic Location

Pick a location that feels right, ensuring it’s a place people frequently visit. It should stand out and be easy for your customers to find and reach. Your instinct about the location’s vibe matters; it should resonate with the kind of atmosphere you want your barbershop to have.

Why does the location matter for the success of your barbershop business in Kenya?

Location can make or break your Kenyan barbershop. Studies show foot traffic is key, with busy streets boosting revenue by 20%. High-visibility corners attract 45% more customers, while proximity to complementary businesses like salons or cafes brings a 12% bump. Rent eats into profits, so finding an affordable, accessible spot near your target audience is crucial. Remember, convenience is king; research shows customers travel an average of 15 minutes for their haircut, so being within that radius is vital. Don’t forget parking; ample, safe spaces can lure in an extra 10% of drivers.

How can foot traffic affect the location of your barbershop in Kenya?

Foot traffic plays a crucial role in barbershop locations in Kenya, impacting revenue and customer base. Studies show that 78% of Kenyan barbershops cite location as a top success factor, with foot traffic heavily influencing this choice.

High-traffic areas like busy streets, shopping malls, or near public transport hubs attract more potential customers, boosting walk-in business. Research suggests a 10% increase in foot traffic can lead to a 5% rise in barbershop revenue. Conversely, low-traffic areas can struggle to attract customers, leading to decreased income.

How do demographics affect the location of your barbershop business in Kenya?

Data analysis also reveals that specific demographics prefer certain locations. For example, a barbershop specializing in men’s haircuts might thrive near office buildings, while one catering to families might do well near schools or residential areas. Understanding your target audience’s foot traffic patterns is crucial for choosing the optimal location.

How does the location of your competition affect your barbershop business in Kenya?

The proximity of your barbershop to competitors in Kenya can impact your business. Being too close to competitors may lead to intense competition, while being too far away may limit your exposure to potential customers. Therefore, finding a strategic balance is essential.

Why is accessibility important, and how may it affect the location of your barbershop business in Kenya?

Accessibility is crucial for your barbershop’s success in Kenya because it determines how easily customers can reach your business. Locations with good accessibility via roads, public transport, or pedestrian paths are more likely to attract a diverse and consistent customer base, positively affecting your business’s performance.

Invest in Equipment

Once you’ve found your supplier, you’ll need to invest in the right equipment. This includes barber chairs, clippers, scissors, combs, and other tools. Investing in quality equipment will ensure you can provide the best service to your customers.

  • Basic barber chairs: Ksh10,000 each (Locally made)
  • WAHL Clippers: Ksh3,000 each
  • Equipment Sterilizer: Ksh10,000
  • Locally Made Sink Seat: Ksh15,000
  • Cosmetic Products: Ksh3,000 (Including spirit and after-shave)
  • Fabric sheets, towels, and apron: Ksh3,000
  • Hair Style Charts: Ksh1,000
  • 2 Waiting or Lounge Chairs: Ksh750 each (Plastic chairs)
  • Water heating and storage: Ksh 5,000
  • Small Basins: Ksh 500
  • Entertainment SSystem: Ksh 20,000

Determine Prices

Once you’ve purchased all the necessary equipment, you’ll need to come up with a pricing system. You can charge by the hour, or you can create a package system with different levels of services. Research the prices of other barbershops in your area to gauge a competitive rate.

Create a Budget for barbershop business

Creating a budget for your barbershop business in Kenya is essential for staying on track financially. Look at the expenses you’ll have to cover such as rent, supplies, marketing, and employee salaries. You should also factor in an emergency fund to cover unexpected costs.

Cost of start a Barbershop business in Kenya

First the cost of starting a barbershop varies depending on many factors:

  • Your location
  • The type of services and skills you want to offer
  • Your target customers

So the cost of starting varies but generally Ksh. 30,000 can do.

Find your Kinyozi business a business permit

Also remember that for your to run smoothly you’ll need to have it register with the government. Doing so will formally make your business legal. Next you remember to have a KRA a pin for your and file your tax returns.

Write a Business Plan for your barbershop business

Before you can launch your barbershop business in Kenya, you’ll need to write a business plan. This document should include information such as your mission statement, target market, products and services, your marketing plan, and financial projections. Having a business plan will help you stay on track and stay organized.

Starting a barbershop business in Kenya is a great way to make money and provide a service to the community. With the right strategy and preparation, you can be successful in this venture. By following these steps, you can be well on your way to running a successful barbershop business in Kenya.


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