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Here’s How you can Apply for a Tala Loan in Minutes

ByElizabeth Atieno

Jul 3, 2023
Here's How you can Apply for a Tala Loan in Minutes

Last updated on July 6th, 2023 at 03:04 pm

Applying for a Tala loan is now easier and faster than ever. In just a few simple steps, you can have the funds you need deposited directly into your Mpesa account. Whether you’re facing an unexpected emergency or need some extra cash for personal expenses, This is here to help.

Here’s how you can apply for a Tala loan in minutes.

Step 1: Have an Android phone with an Mpesa line

To get started, make sure you have an Android phone and an active Mpesa line. This will allow you to easily download the Tala app and receive the loan directly to your Mpesa account.

Step 2: Download the Tala app on Google Play store

Head over to the Google Play store and search for the Tala app. Once you find it, click on the download button and wait for the installation process to complete. The app is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making the loan application process a breeze.

Step 3: Sign in to register with Tala

After downloading the app, open it and sign in to register. You’ll be asked to provide some basic information, such as your name, phone number, and email address. This information is necessary for them to verify your identity and assess your eligibility for a loan.

Step 4: Complete a short application by answering questions

Once you’ve registered, you’ll be guided through a short application process. They will ask you a series of questions to gather more information about your financial situation and loan needs. Be sure to answer these questions accurately and honestly to increase your chances of approval.

Step 5: Choose a repayment date that works for you

This lender offers flexible repayment options, allowing you to select a repayment date that suits your financial situation. You’ll have the freedom to choose a repayment period that ranges from a few days to several weeks, depending on your preferences.

Step 6: Receive your money straight to your Mpesa

Once your loan application is approved, Tala will deposit the funds directly into your Mpesa account. This means you can access the money instantly and use it for whatever purpose you need. Whether it’s paying bills, covering medical expenses, or making a purchase, It ensures that you receive the funds in the most convenient and timely manner.

How to apply or get Tala loan via sms

In this section, i will try to answer two questions with just one answer. Most people are always mixed up the two questions which means the same thing.

Here are the questions:

Q1. How to get Tala loan via sms same as how to apply Tala loan via sms

Q2. How to apply Tala loan without an app or how to get Tala loan without an app same thing. The two questions are almost the same.

So here is how to get the loan via sms;

Answer: Tala has two codes, one which is the USSD code and the other which is used for sms. The ussd code is *846# which is available to all customers. However, you can also apply for a loan through Tala SMS code 21991. You can therefore do this by writing a text message about your Tala emergency loan and send it to 21991.

How to Check Tala loan balance

To check Tala loan balance, just draft the word Balance and send the message to 21991, Or you can dial * 846# and follow prompts.

In conclusion, applying for a Tala loan is a quick and hassle-free process. With just a few simple steps, you can have the funds you need deposited directly into your Mpesa account. So, if you find yourself in need of some extra cash, don’t hesitate to download the app and start your loan application today. Remember, financial assistance is just a few minutes away.