Bizhack Kenya

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How to Start a Dropshipping Business In Kenya

ByTristram Ouma

Apr 2, 2023
How to Start Dropshipping Business In KenyaHow to Start Dropshipping Business In Kenya

Last updated on March 2nd, 2024 at 05:39 pm

Dropshipping is a popular e-commerce model in Kenya, offering a straightforward way to start an online business. This approach involves partnering with a third-party supplier who handles product manufacturing and logistics, allowing you to focus on brand development and marketing.

For those interested in starting a dropshipping business in Kenya, this article outlines eight key steps: selecting a profitable niche, establishing a brand, setting up an online store, choosing a reliable supplier, understanding the Kenyan e-commerce market, employing effective marketing strategies, and ensuring quality customer service. These steps are crucial for building a successful dropshipping business in the dynamic Kenyan online marketplace.

How to Start Dropshipping in Kenya: – Video Tutorial

Watch this step-by-step guide to establishing a dropshipping business in Kenya on a low budget.

What Is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a way of selling products online without having to store, pack, or ship them yourself. You partner with a supplier who handles the inventory and fulfillment for you. You only pay for the products you sell, and the supplier delivers them directly to your customers. This way, you can prioritize marketing your products and growing your brand.

Dropshipping is a popular business model for e-commerce entrepreneurs, often appealing to beginners because it has low start-up costs and risks. You don’t need to invest in a warehouse, buy any inventory, or deal with shipping issues. You can also sell a wide range of products from different niches and suppliers.

Here’s how dropshipping generally works:

Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product using the dropshipping model, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. As a result, the seller doesn’t have to handle the product directly.

How does dropshipping work?

How dropshipping works step by step
  1. Setting Up a Storefront: You set up an online store where customers can browse and order products. This store is typically hosted on e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or others.
  2. Selecting Products and Suppliers: You choose products to sell from a supplier who offers dropshipping services. This could be through platforms like AliExpress, Oberlo, or directly from manufacturers or wholesalers.
  3. Listing Products on Your Store: You list these products on your online store at a price you set.
  4. Customer Places an Order: A customer visits your online store and places an order. They pay the retail price you’ve set for the product.
  5. Order is Forwarded to the Supplier: You then forward this order to your supplier, either manually or automatically, depending on your system. You pay the supplier their asking price, which is typically lower than your retail price.
  6. Supplier Ships the Product: The supplier then ships the product directly to the customer. The packaging and shipping process is handled entirely by the supplier.
  7. Profit Margin: Your profit is the difference between the retail price (what the customer pays you) and the supplier’s price (what you pay the supplier).

What is the example that explains the concept of dropshipping? Here is Tristram’s example that can help you understand the concept with ease.

Imagine you start an online store selling designer watches. You find a supplier who offers a variety of watches and supports dropshipping. You list these watches on your website at a marked-up price.

  • A customer named John visits your online store and orders a watch for $150.
  • You receive John’s order and payment.
  • You then place an order with your supplier for the same watch, which costs you $100.
  • The supplier ships the watch directly to John.
  • Your profit is $50, being the difference between what John paid and what you paid the supplier.

In this model, you never see or handle the watch. Your role is primarily in the marketing and customer service aspects of the business, while the supplier handles the inventory and fulfillment. This makes dropshipping a low-barrier-to-entry business model for aspiring entrepreneurs.

If there are product delivery or quality issues, customers can contact the dropshipper, who is responsible for communicating them to the supplier.

How to Start a Dropshipping Business in Kenya?

Follow these eight steps to creating a successful dropshipping business in Kenya:

  1. Choose a Business Niche: Identify a specific market or product category you’re interested in. Research to ensure there’s demand and manageable competition.
  2. Select Products and Target Market: Decide on the products you want to sell. Ensure your products match your target customer base.
  3. Identify a Dropshipping Supplier: Look for a reliable supplier who offers products in your chosen niche. Consider factors like product quality, shipping times, and supplier reputation.
  4. Design Your Brand Identity: Create a distinctive brand name, logo, and color scheme that resonates with your target audience and stands out in the market.
  5. Set up an Online Store: Choose a platform like WordPress with WooCommerce or an e-commerce website builder. Design your store to be user-friendly and visually appealing.
  6. Register Your Business: Determine a legal structure for your business (like a sole proprietorship or LLC), then secure any necessary licenses or permits to operate legally.
  7. Manage Finances: Open a business bank account. Thoroughly plan your pricing strategy, considering taxes, fees, and desired profit margins.
  8. Promote Your Business: Use SEO, online advertising, social media marketing, and other strategies to drive traffic to your online store and convert visitors into customers.

1. Choose a Dropshipping Business Niche

Dropshipping is a competitive field, with about 30% of online stores adopting this model. Many of these stores offer similar products under different brands, so distinguishing your brand is essential.

Key to Success: Choosing a Niche

  • Definition: A niche is a specific customer segment a business targets. For instance, Meowingtons is a dropshipping store focusing on cat owners.
  • Importance: Selecting a niche helps in creating a unique brand identity.

Strategies for Selecting a Niche:

  1. Personal Interests and Knowledge: Start with areas you are familiar with or passionate about. Understanding your niche well can guide you in appealing to your audience.
  2. Market Trends: Sell high-demand products. Use tools like Google Trends and Trendhunter to identify trending items. Our list of trending products can also provide inspiration.
  3. Best-selling Products on Amazon: Analyze Amazon’s sales history using tools like AMZScout to identify profitable niches.

Conducting Market Research:

  • Objective: To understand industry projections, opportunities, and threats.
  • Benefits: Aids in revenue estimation and marketing strategy development.

Market Research Components:

  1. Industry Value and Market Size: Use tools like Semrush to assess the niche’s size, trends, and growth potential.
  2. Target Audience: Identify demographics such as age, gender, income, hobbies, and occupation to inform branding strategies.
  3. Customer Buying Behavior: Understand purchasing motivations and frequency to shape marketing and pricing strategies.
  4. Main Competitors: Employ tools like Similarweb to analyze leading brands, their strengths, weaknesses, and unaddressed market needs.

After selecting a niche and product range, proceed to the subsequent stages of establishing your dropshipping business.

2. Identify Dropshipping Suppliers

In dropshipping, the choice of suppliers is crucial for business success. They not only supply products but also handle delivery to customers.

To locate suppliers, dropshipping platforms like Doba, SaleHoo, Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce, AliDropship, and Wholesale2B are effective. Printful and Printify offer custom, print-on-demand services.

Key considerations when selecting suppliers include:

  1. Legality and Reputation: Verify the supplier’s business license and client list to ensure legitimacy. Assess service quality through reviews.
  2. Minimum Order Quantity: Understand if there’s a required minimum order and its impact on costs. Bulk orders typically reduce per-item cost.
  3. Additional Fees: Account for extra costs such as subscriptions, packaging, refunds, and platform fees. Aim for a profit margin of 20-40% or more after these expenses.
  4. Customer Service: Evaluate the supplier’s support channels and responsiveness, crucial for addressing buyer complaints.
  5. Product Quality: Conduct sample orders to assess product and packaging quality. Comparing products from various suppliers is advisable.
  6. Order Fulfillment Process: Note the supplier’s processing and delivery times and their efficiency in handling returns.
  7. Website Integration: Some platforms, like AliDropship, offer website extensions for easy product importation.

Before finalizing a partnership, drafting a dropshipping agreement is recommended. This contract should detail arrangements like wholesale pricing, delivery standards, and policies for damaged items.

3. Design Your Business Brand Identity

Selecting a niche and cultivating a distinctive brand identity are pivotal for distinguishing your business in the marketplace. Distinctive branding enhances recall and fosters customer loyalty, driving purchases.

Consult our comprehensive guide for brand development. Key steps for branding in dropshipping include:

  1. Understanding Your Target Market: To build a strong brand identity, start by thoroughly researching your target audience. Understand their preferences, needs, and behaviors. This involves analyzing demographic data, customer feedback, and social media trends. Additionally, study your competitors to identify what they do well and how you can differentiate your brand to offer something unique and appealing to your target market.
  2. Defining Your Brand’s Core Values and Mission: Your brand’s core values and mission are the foundation of your identity. Develop a clear mission statement that encapsulates the purpose and goals of your business. Identify and embrace core values that resonate with your target audience and reflect what your brand stands for. These elements should guide every decision and communication, helping to create a consistent and authentic brand experience.
  3. Developing Your Brand’s Visual Identity: A compelling visual identity is crucial for your brand. This includes designing a distinctive logo that captures the essence of your brand, along with a harmonious color scheme and typography that aligns with your brand’s personality. Ensure that these visual elements are consistently applied across all platforms, including your website, social media, and marketing materials, to establish a recognizable and cohesive brand experience.
  4. Crafting Your Brand’s Voice and Messaging: The voice and messaging of your brand should reflect its personality and values. Decide on a tone of voice—be it professional, friendly, or humorous—that resonates with your audience and is consistent across all communications. Develop clear, authentic brand messaging that effectively communicates your value proposition and differentiates your brand in the market.
  5. Building an Online Presence: In today’s digital age, a strong online presence is essential. Create a professional, user-friendly website that embodies your brand identity. Actively engage with your audience on social media platforms where they are most active, ensuring that your profiles and content align with your brand’s visual and consistent communicative style. Utilize content marketing through blogs, videos, and other mediums to demonstrate your brand and engage with your audience.
  6. Enhancing Customer Experience and Service: Exceptional customer service and a seamless user experience are key to building brand loyalty. Focus on providing top-notch customer support and ensuring that your website offers an enjoyable and hassle-free shopping experience. Pay attention to customer feedback and continuously strive to improve the customer journey.
  7. Leveraging Influencer Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborating with influencers and other brands can significantly enhance your brand’s reach and credibility. Partner with influencers who share your brand values and have an audience that aligns with your target market. Additionally, consider collaborations with complementary brands to broaden your exposure and appeal.
  8. Monitoring and Adapting: Building a brand is an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and adaptation. Regularly gather and analyze customer feedback to understand how your brand is perceived. Stay attuned to market trends and be ready to adjust your branding strategy to maintain relevance and appeal in a dynamic market.
  9. Legal Considerations: Protecting your brand legally is as important as building its identity. Consider trademarking your brand name and logo to safeguard your brand’s unique elements. Additionally, ensure that your business operations comply with all legal requirements related to e-commerce and dropshipping, including consumer protection laws and privacy regulations.

Each of these steps plays a crucial role in establishing a strong, recognizable brand identity for your dropshipping business, helping you stand out in a competitive market.

4. Set up an Online Store

Setting up a website is a crucial step for your dropshipping business in Kenya, offering distinct benefits over using third-party online selling platforms.

Key advantages include:

  1. Complete Control Over Branding: Owning a website allows you to fully tailor your brand’s appearance and functionality, from theme customization to payment gateway selection.
  2. No Platform Fees: Unlike eCommerce marketplaces, operating your own website eliminates platform fees, potentially increasing profit margins.

Steps to Creating a Website:

  1. Acquire a Domain Name: Typically, businesses opt for a .com domain due to its widespread recognition. At Truehost, a .com domain is priced at Ksh 1200.00/yr. However, a free domain is included with Truehost’s Premium plan or higher.
  2. Alternative Domain Extensions: If your preferred .com domain is taken, consider .store or .shop extensions. These are not only more affordable at Ksh 399.00/yr but also well-suited for eCommerce businesses.

Choosing the right domain and hosting plan is essential in establishing a professional and profitable online presence for your dropshipping store.

To construct your online store, select an appropriate platform. Options for those with minimal or no coding skills include either a website builder or a content management system (CMS).

Understanding the distinction between these two is crucial. A website builder, exemplified by Truehost Website Builder, offers a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop features, ideal for beginners. On the other hand, a CMS like WordPress provides more customization options, better suited for users with some technical knowledge.

This comparison aims to clarify which platform aligns best with your skill level and website needs.

AspectTruehost Website BuilderWordPress
Best ForQuick and easy online store creationScalable online business development
ProsAI website builder features. User-friendly eCommerce toolkit. Comprehensive package including hosting, templates, and marketing toolsExtensive plugin collection for feature enhancement. Large supportive community. Multi-user functionality for team collaboration
ConsThere is no simultaneous multi-user editing. No third-party extensionsMore complex than typical website builders. Plugin reliance can slow down and compromise website security
PricingBusiness web hosting at Ksh 850.56/monthBusiness web hosting at 648.38 Kenyan Shilling/month

Truehost Website Builder Overview

Truehost Website Builder is a user-friendly platform, ideal for beginners to efficiently create websites. It features a drag-and-drop interface, allowing easy addition and rearrangement of content elements on the website design.

Interface Snapshot: The Truehost Website Builder’s interface displays a website template alongside an ‘Add elements’ section, enhancing user interaction.

Truehost Website Builder

Advantages of Truehost Website Builder

  1. AI-Driven Features: Incorporates an AI builder for custom website generation, a content generator for text creation, and a heatmap tool for design optimization based on user behavior.
  2. eCommerce Capabilities: Supports selling up to 500 products and includes multiple payment options, order management, and customizable storefronts. These tools are accessible to all hosting clients, irrespective of their plan.
  3. Comprehensive Functionality: Offers an integrated hosting service, designer templates, marketing tools, mobile editing, and third-party integrations, alongside the primary drag-and-drop editor.

Limitations of Truehost Website Builder

  1. Single-User Editing: The platform does not support simultaneous editing by multiple users.
  2. Fixed Toolset: Lacks the ability to add third-party extensions for additional functionalities beyond the built-in tools.

For optimal use, consider the Business Web Hosting Plan at Ksh 850.56/month. This plan includes 90 GB of SSD storage and unlimited bandwidth, providing substantial resources for growing an online business.

WordPress Overview

WordPress as a CMS: WordPress functions as a content management system (CMS), a software for website creation. It differs from typical website builders due to its more complex user dashboard, which includes separate interfaces for various tasks.

Admin Panel Features: The WordPress admin panel facilitates page management, content publishing, media insertion, and the installation of themes and plugins. It also provides access to other settings.

Wordpress dashboard Kenya example

Full Site Editing: Users can modify their website’s appearance using the Full Site Editing mode, enhancing content and style customization.

Advanced Functionality: While WordPress has a learning curve, it enables complex tasks like adding functionality through plugins. These plugins can display third-party product reviews or manage abandoned shopping carts.

What are the Pros of Using WordPress to create an online store in Kenya

  1. Extensive Plugin Collection: Over 60,000 plugins transform simple websites into diverse platforms like eCommerce stores. WooCommerce is essential for dropshipping businesses.
  2. Large Community Support: Powering over 43% of websites globally, WordPress has vast resources and forums for user support, including Truehost WordPress tutorials.
  3. Multi-User Functionality: Suitable for team-based operations, allowing multiple user accounts with managed access.

What are the Cons of Using WordPress to create an online store in Kenya

  1. Steeper Learning Curve: Basic coding knowledge can be beneficial for website optimization.
  2. Plugin Reliance: It’s crucial to use well-developed and regularly updated plugins to avoid performance and security issues.

Business WordPress Hosting Plan: Offers WordPress-optimized features like one-click installers, automatic updates, pre-installed plugins and themes, LiteSpeed caching for performance, and a one-click staging tool for safe website modifications.

Key Elements for Online Store Creation

  1. User Experience: Ensure easy navigation and product discovery. Refer to web design best practices for guidance.
  2. Payment Gateways: Incorporate multiple, popular payment options and be transparent about taxes and shipping costs.
  3. Product Descriptions: Craft clear, persuasive product descriptions to encourage purchases.
  4. Contact Form: Include a contact form for customer inquiries.
  5. Mobile Optimization: Ensure the website is navigable on both desktop and mobile devices.

Buytec: A dropshipping business exemplifying luxurious design and strong branding, ideal for reference.

Buytec online store

5. Prepare the Dropshipping Business Finances

When starting a dropshipping business in Kenya, it’s crucial to distinguish your personal and business finances for easier tracking of expenses and revenues. This separation also simplifies legal and tax processes.

Consult a local financial expert to understand the specific requirements in your region. For a dropshipping business in Kenya, consider the following essentials:

  1. Business Bank Account: Open an account in your dropshipping brand’s name. Use it exclusively for business transactions, including customer payments and supplier costs.
  2. Resale Certificate: Obtain this document for legal business operations.
  3. Sales Tax Compliance: Understand and comply with sales tax regulations. In Kenya, the general sales tax rate is 16% for most goods and services, while a 0% rate applies to items listed in the Second Schedule to the VAT Act, 2013. Factor these costs into your product pricing.
  4. Budget for Maintenance Fees: Account for platform fees and marketing expenses in your financial planning. These are essential for sustaining and growing your dropshipping business.

6. Register Your Dropshipping Business as a Legal Structure

Disclaimer: Bizhack does not offer legal advice. This section is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. You should consult with a qualified legal professional before making any decisions regarding your business structure.

To ensure the legal compliance of your dropshipping store in Kenya, it’s crucial to address several key aspects:

  1. Business License: Verify if a business license is required for dropshipping in Kenya. Although not always mandatory, registering your business is advisable to prevent future complications.
  2. Tax and Identification Numbers: Obtain a sales tax ID and an employer identification number. These are essential for tax filing and for applying to wholesale dropshipping accounts.
  3. Legal Business Entity: Research Kenyan regulations and consider establishing a formal business entity. This step offers legal protection and may enhance supplier and partner relationships.

Common Business Structures in Kenya:

  • Sole Proprietorship: Taxes are levied on personal income, but personal assets are at risk as they are legally tied to the business.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC): Offers personal liability protection, treating the business as a separate legal entity. Tax requirements differ from personal income tax.
  • Corporation: Also a separate legal entity, owned by shareholders and managed by directors, providing a distinct structure from smaller business models.

Besides registering the business structure, create the following web pages to make your online store look more professional:

  • Refund Policy: Builds customer trust by outlining the terms for secure purchases.
  • Return/Exchange Policy: Assures customers of flexibility in returning or exchanging products, a key concern for online shoppers.
  • Terms and Conditions: A legal document that clarifies the rights and responsibilities of both the company and its customers.
  • Privacy Policy: Demonstrates commitment to data protection, detailing the collection, use, and disclosure of customer information.

These steps and documents are fundamental in establishing a legally sound and professional dropshipping business in Kenya.

7. Promote your Business

After your business is now officially launched with a legal website. To attract customers, effective promotion of your products is essential.

Utilize digital marketing to propel your dropshipping business in Kenya across various channels. Here are key methods to boost traffic and sales for your online store:

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Implement SEO tactics to enhance your website’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages. Utilize built-in SEO tools in platforms like Truehost Website Builder for optimization.
  2. Blogging: Produce informative content about how your products benefit users. Write engaging listicles or how-to guides featuring your products.
  3. Email Marketing: Grow your email list by integrating a subscription form into your store. Offer incentives like introductory discounts for sign-ups. Send emails about new products and special discounts.
  4. Social Media Marketing: Promote your products on various social networks. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok are ideal for visual appeal. For inspiration, look at Notebook Therapy’s successful social media strategy.
  5. Referral Marketing: If you have existing sales, encourage customers to share referral links. Offer commissions (typically 10-20%) for purchases made through these links.
  6. Affiliate Marketing: Similar to referral marketing, but involves content creators promoting your products, often with higher commission rates.
  7. Performance Marketing: Invest in paid advertising on platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads. These offer advanced targeting options, although they can be costly.

Additionally, consider showcasing your products on your website and e-commerce marketplaces like Amazon and eBay to reach a broader customer base. For efficient inventory and order management across multiple channels, tools like Sellbrite can be beneficial.

Why Start a Dropshipping Business in Kenya?

Some possible facts and figures about dropshipping in Kenya are:

E-commerce Market Value in Kenya
The e-commerce market in Kenya was valued at $1.3 billion in 2020 and is projected to grow to $2.1 billion by 2024. Dropshipping is a key strategy in this market, offering low barriers to entry and reduced risks in online retail.
Online Shopping Trends in Kenya
Kenya leads in online shopping in Africa, with 18% of the population purchasing online in 2019. Jumia, a top e-commerce platform in Africa, also provides a dropshipping service, enabling sellers to use Jumia’s catalog for their own sales.
Top Dropshipping Suppliers in Kenya
According to eWorldTrade, there are 10 leading dropshipping suppliers in Kenya, including Kilimall, Sky.Garden, Vitumob, Dukaan, and Afrimall, known for quality products and competitive pricing.
Successful Dropshipping Businesses in Kenya
Avada highlights 10 quality dropshipping businesses in Kenya, showcasing the model’s potential. Notable examples include BohoChic Boutique, The Beauty Box, The Baby Store, The Pet Shop, and The Book Nook.

Dropshipping offers a unique opportunity for first-time entrepreneurs, characterized by its distinct advantages and considerations:

What are the Advantages of starting a dropshipping business in Kenya?

  1. Low Startup Costs: This model requires minimal initial investment, as there’s no need for upfront inventory purchases or managing complex logistics.
  2. Reduced Risk: You can expand your product range without incurring production or inventory costs. Poorly performing products can be swiftly replaced.
  3. Location Flexibility: Operate from anywhere with an internet connection, though maintaining supplier and customer communication is essential.
  4. Scalability: As suppliers handle shipping, managing increased orders during business growth becomes more manageable.

What are the Considerations when starting a dropshipping business in Kenya?

  1. Limited Control: Dependence on suppliers for product quality and fulfillment can lead to challenges if issues arise with product handling or delivery.
  2. Inventory Uncertainties: Suppliers may not always notify customers about stock shortages, necessitating regular check-ins to ensure product availability.

In summary, while dropshipping presents a low-risk, flexible, and scalable business model with low overhead costs, it also requires careful supplier management and contingency planning for inventory challenges.

What to Avoid When Starting a Dropshipping Business?

In starting a dropshipping business, it’s crucial to navigate common pitfalls effectively. Selecting an appropriate niche is fundamental; a well-researched market segment that isn’t overly broad or competitive enhances customer attraction. Branding and marketing are vital in differentiating your offerings, especially in a landscape where product overlap with other dropshippers is common.

The choice of web hosting service significantly impacts the user experience; opting for a fast and secure host is essential for a smooth online shopping experience. Website optimization is another critical area, requiring regular testing and adjustments based on user behavior and feedback to improve conversion rates.

Effective customer support mechanisms, such as contact forms or live chat, are necessary for addressing customer inquiries and feedback. Additionally, maintaining consistent communication with your supplier is key to managing logistics, including shipping and inventory management, thereby ensuring a streamlined operation.

How to Start Dropshipping in Kenya FAQ

Is dropshipping profitable in Kenya?

Dropshipping is a business model that allows you to sell products online without having to buy or store inventory. You only pay for the products after you receive orders from customers, and the supplier ships them directly to the buyers. Dropshipping can be profitable in Kenya if you find a reliable supplier, choose a profitable niche, market your products effectively, and offer good customer service. However, dropshipping also has some challenges, such as competition, shipping costs, quality issues, and legal regulations. You should do your research and plan your strategy carefully before starting a dropshipping business in Kenya.

Does Jumia allow dropshipping?

Jumia is an online marketplace that operates in several African countries, including Kenya. Jumia allows sellers to list their products on its platform and reach millions of customers. Jumia does not explicitly prohibit dropshipping, but it has some requirements and policies that dropshippers should follow. For example, you need to register as a seller on Jumia, provide accurate product information and images, deliver the products within the specified time frame, and handle customer complaints and returns. You also need to comply with Jumia’s terms and conditions, seller code of conduct, and seller performance standards. You can find more information on how to sell on Jumia here.

Can you sell on Shopify from Kenya?

Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform that enables you to create your own online store and sell products globally. Shopify is available in Kenya, and you can use it to sell on Shopify from Kenya. You need to sign up for a Shopify account, choose a plan, design your store, add products, set up payment methods, and launch your store. You can also use Shopify’s features and apps to enhance your store’s functionality and performance. You can find more information on how to use Shopify in Kenya here.

What is the minimum profit for dropshipping in Kenya?

There is no fixed answer to what is the minimum profit for dropshipping, as it depends on various factors, such as your product niche, pricing strategy, marketing costs, and operational expenses. However, a general rule of thumb is to aim for at least a 30% profit margin on your products. This means that if you sell a product for Ksh10000, you should pay no more than Ksh7000 for the product and the shipping costs. This way, you can cover your overhead costs and still make a decent profit. Of course, you can adjust your profit margin depending on your business goals and market conditions, but you should always keep track of your profitability and optimize your dropshipping business accordingly.

Can you dropship on your phone?

Yes, you can dropship on your phone, as long as you have access to the internet and the necessary apps and tools. You can use your phone to browse products, place orders, communicate with suppliers and customers, manage your store, and monitor your sales. However, dropshipping on your phone may not be as convenient or efficient as using a computer, especially for tasks that require a larger screen, keyboard, or mouse. Therefore, you may want to use your phone for dropshipping only when you are on the go or need to check something quickly, and use a computer for more complex or detailed work.

Can you get banned for dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a legitimate and legal business model, and you cannot get banned for dropshipping per se. However, you can get banned or penalized by certain platforms, suppliers, or authorities if you violate their rules or regulations. For example, some online marketplaces, such as Amazon or eBay, may ban or suspend your account if you engage in dropshipping without their permission or approval. Some suppliers may also terminate their relationship with you if you fail to meet their quality standards, delivery times, or other requirements. Additionally, some countries may have laws or taxes that affect dropshipping, and you may face legal consequences if you do not comply with them. Therefore, you should always research and follow the best practices and policies of the platforms, suppliers, and countries that you are dropshipping from or to.

Can you use M-pesa on Shopify?

Mpesa is a mobile money service that allows you to send and receive money using your phone. Mpesa is widely used in Kenya and other African countries as a convenient and accessible payment method. You can use M-pesa on Shopify to pay for your Shopify subscription, as well as to accept payments from your customers. To pay for your Shopify subscription with Mpesa, you need to link your M-pesa account to your PayPal account, and then use PayPal as your billing method on Shopify. To accept payments from your customers with Mpesa, you need to integrate a payment gateway that supports M-pesa, such as PayGate, DPO Pay, Paystack, or IntaSend. You can find more information on how to use M-pesa on Shopify here.

Can you sell on Shopify without money?

No, you cannot sell on Shopify without money, as you need to pay for a Shopify plan to run your online store. Shopify offers four plans, ranging from $9 to $299 per month, depending on the features and functionality you need. However, Shopify does offer a 14-day free trial that allows you to test the platform and set up your store without paying anything. You can also use Shopify’s free tools and resources, such as Shopify Academy, Shopify Compass, and Shopify Blog, to learn how to start and grow your online business. Additionally, you can reduce your costs by choosing a low-cost niche, finding a cheap or free supplier, using free or affordable marketing channels, and optimizing your store’s performance and conversion rate.

Does Alibaba accept M-PESA?

Alibaba is a Chinese e-commerce giant that operates various online platforms, such as, AliExpress, Taobao, and Tmall. Alibaba does not directly accept M-PESA as a payment method on its platforms, but you can use third-party services or solutions to pay with M-PESA. For example, you can use TransferTo, a global mobile money and airtime hub, to link your M-PESA account to your Alibaba account and pay for your purchases. You can also use a prepaid or virtual card, such as Neteller or Skrill, to fund your card with M-PESA and then use it to pay on Alibaba. Alternatively, you can use a local agent or broker, such as Kenya Imports, to buy products on Alibaba on your behalf and pay them with M-PESA.

How many Shopify stores are in Kenya?

There is no official or exact number of how many Shopify stores are in Kenya, as Shopify does not disclose this information publicly. However, according to BuiltWith, a website that tracks the technology used by websites, there are currently 1,239 websites in Kenya that use Shopify as their e-commerce platform. This number may not reflect the actual number of Shopify stores in Kenya, as some websites may use Shopify for other purposes, such as landing pages, blogs, or apps. Also, some Shopify stores in Kenya may not be detected by BuiltWith, as they may use custom domains, SSL certificates, or other methods to hide their Shopify identity. Therefore, the actual number of Shopify stores in Kenya may be higher or lower than the estimated number by BuiltWith.

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