List of Sub Counties in Lamu county

List of Sub Counties in Lamu county

Lamu County is a beautiful and historic region located in the coastal part of Kenya. Known for its rich culture, beautiful beaches, and unique architecture, it is a popular tourist destination in East Africa. In this blog post, we will explore list of Sub Counties in Lamu County.

Lamu County is one of the six counties in the coastal region of Kenya. It covers an area of approximately 6,273 square kilometers and has a population of over 143,920 people, according to the 2019 Kenyan census. The county is home to several ethnic groups, including the Bajuni, Swahili, and Orma, among others.

The county’s economy is predominantly based on tourism, fishing, and agriculture. The county’s capital is Lamu town, which is the oldest and best-preserved Swahili settlement in East Africa. The town is known for its narrow streets, traditional Swahili houses, and ancient mosques. Lamu town is also home to Lamu Fort, which was built by the Portuguese in the 16th century.

List of Sub Counties in Lamu County

Sub-County NameMain Activities
Lamu EastFishing, Agriculture, Tourism
Lamu WestFishing, Agriculture, Livestock rearing

Lamu West Sub-county

Lamu West Sub-county is the largest in Lamu County and it covers an area of approximately 3,972 square kilometers. The sub-county is headed by Mr. Gilbert Kitiyo who was appointed as the County Commissioner in 2019. He is responsible for overseeing the implementation of government programs and policies in the sub-county.

Lamu East Sub-county

Lamu East Sub-county covers an area of approximately 2,301 square kilometers and it is headed by Mr. Shee Kupi who was appointed as the County Commissioner in 2019. Mr. Kupi is responsible for overseeing the implementation of government programs and policies in the sub-county.

In conclusion, Lamu County has several sub-counties including Lamu East, Lamu West, which play a significant role in the county’s administrative and development structure. The accurate listing and understanding of these sub-counties are crucial for effective planning and resource allocation in the county.


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