County Ministers Salaries in Kenya

County Ministers Salaries in Kenya

Last updated on April 9th, 2023 at 02:30 am

The County Executive Committees (CECs) in Kenya are responsible for the day-to-day running of each of the 47 counties in the country. The CECs are appointed by the Governor or President and are responsible for the implementation of county development plans, policies and programmes. As a result, the CECs are highly regarded and given a great deal of responsibility.

In Kenya, the salaries of County Ministers (CECs) are decided by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC). The SRC is responsible for setting the salaries of all public servants, including the CECs. The salaries of CECs are reviewed every four years, with the last review taking place in July 28, 2022.

The current salaries of county ministers in Kenya are based on the National Salary Scale for Public Officers. NSSPO is a unified national framework for setting the salaries of public officers. And it’s divided into five grades, with the county ministers falling into Grade E4. This grade is broken down into four different levels, depending on the size of the county and the responsibilities of the CECs.

For the largest counties, such as Nairobi and Mombasa, the CECs are in Level I. This level offers the highest salary of all the CECs, with a monthly salary of Ksh 404,250. For the small counties, Level IV offers the lowest salary with a monthly salary of Ksh 242,550.

County Ministers Salaries in Kenya

Basic Salary Ksh. 242,550
House Allowance Ksh. 80,000
Market Adjustment Ksh. 81,700
Commuter Allowance Official
Total Salary Ksh. 404,250

These salaries of CECs in Kenya have been criticized for being too low. It is argued that the salaries do not reflect the amount of responsibility that the CECs have.

The salaries are also seen to be too low when compared to other public servants in the country.

For example, the salaries of health workers in Kenya much higher than those of the CECs.

Generally, the salaries of County Ministers (CECs) in Kenya are set by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC).

The salaries are based on the National Salary Scale for Public Officers (NSSPO). The salaries for CECs vary depending on the size of the county and the responsibilities of the CECs.

While the salaries of CECs have been criticized for being too low, they are still considered to be fair and competitive when compared to other public servants in the country.

What much does a governor earn in Kenya?

The monthly salary of a Governor in Kenya is KSh 554,400. This amount is determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) and is subject to regular review. In addition to the salary, the Governor is entitled to other allowances such as medical insurance and a housing allowance of Ksh. 200,000

What much does a deputy governor earn in Kenya?

The monthly salary of a deputy Governor in Kenya is KSh 372,750. This amount is determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) and is subject to regular review. In addition to the salary, the deputy Governor is entitled to other allowances such as medical insurance and a housing allowance of Ksh. 100,000

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