Bizhack Kenya

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Pig Farming in Kenya: How to Thrive

ByElijah Ludenyi

Jun 18, 2023
Pig farming in Kenya or how to raise pigs

Last updated on March 2nd, 2024 at 05:52 pm

Everything Pig farming in Kenya.

So you’re thinking about starting a pig farm in Kenya? Great idea. Pigs can be a lucrative agribusiness since the demand for pork products is growing across the country.

Before you dive in, though, there are a few things you should know. Because raising pigs in Kenya isn’t as simple as it may seem.

For example you’ll need to find quality piglets, secure proper housing, learn how to feed and care for your herd, and make connections to sell your pork which is market so that you don’t end raising too many of them with no consumers. That can hurt.

The good news is that having good planning and working hard at some point, can help you build a successful pig farming business in Kenya and general.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to start profitable pig farming business in Kenya, from registering your business and acquiring land to managing your pig pens and selling pork at market.

We’ll also provide tips for keeping costs low, following some key regulations, and overcoming some of challenges along the way.

If you’re ready to start bringing home the bacon, read on.This guide has everything you need to turn your dream of pig farming in Kenya into a reality.

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How to Start a Pig Farming Business in Kenya

So, you want to start a pig farming business in Kenya? It can be rewarding if you go in prepared. Here are the basics for you to start:

1. Register your business

Register with the Registrar of Companies and obtain the necessary licenses and permits to operate a pig farm. You’ll need approval from the County government and licenses for transporting and selling your pigs.

2. Secure funding

Starting a pig farm requires capital. You’ll need funding for land, housing, feed, and other equipment. You can take out a loan from sources like Kcb, Equity and many other just to name a few, crowdfunding, or partnering with investors. Government grants and loans may also be available for new farmers.

Buy high-quality pig

Getting healthy piglets from a reputable breeder and big farms is the way to go, ensuring the best growth and reproduction. Also choose pig breeds in Kenya that are suitable for your climate and are disease-resistant.

Provide proper housing

When venturing into pig farming in Kenya. You must realize that your pigs will require shelter, shade, and bedding. Therefore, constructing sturdy pens and huts to protect them from harsh weather and predators should be compulsory. Allow at least 10 to 15 square feet of space per pig.

Feed your pigs a healthy diet

When venturing into pig farming in Kenya also you must know that feeding your pigs is also key requirement. And not just feed but high quality diet. Therefore, feed pigs a balanced diet of commercial pig feed, grains, vegetables, and supplements.

Don’t forget…

Always have a fresh, clean water available.

Watch your pigs daily

Observe your pigs regularly for signs of disease or injury and have a veterinarian examine them frequently. And treat any health issues quickly to avoid losses.

Sell and market your pigs

Once your pigs reach market weight of 220-260 lbs, you can sell them to butchers, retailers, or at livestock markets and auctions. Also, i will advise you make a good relationships with buyers to find the best deals.

Those are basic things you must do when venturing into pig farming in Kenya, following these steps you can build a thriving pig farming business.

I’m not always and an advocate of starting small, but mistakes are real and you need to learn from your mistakes, so yes you’ll need to start small and don’t be afraid to ask others for advice. The key is patience and a genuine love of the animals in your care.

Pig Farming Requirements: Housing, Equipment and Feed

To get started with pig farming in Kenya, you’ll need to invest in the proper housing, equipment, and feed.

  • Housing: You’ll need a sturdy pen or shelter to protect your pigs from harsh weather and predators. For a small farm, a simple shelter with concrete floors, metal roofing, and metal fencing will do. Provide your pigs with fresh bedding like straw to keep them comfortable.
  • Feeding equipment: You’ll want durable feeders and waterers to make feeding time easier. Look for equipment specifically designed for pigs to avoid waste. Provide constant access to clean, fresh water.
  • Feed: Pigs require a balanced diet of grains like corn and soybeans along with protein sources, vitamins, and minerals. For the best growth, you’ll want to choose a high-quality commercial feed formulated for your pigs’ age and size. Always have feed available for your pigs.
  • Other equipment: Things like shovels, buckets, troughs, and wheelbarrows will make managing your pig farm easier. You’ll also want equipment for weighing, tagging, vaccinating, and moving your pigs when needed.

Starting a pig farm does require an investment, but with the right housing, equipment, and nutritious feed, you’ll be well on your way to raising healthy, productive pigs.

As you continue raising pigs in Kenya, also learn proper handling and care techniques to keep your pigs thriving.

If done right, pig farming in Kenya can be a rewarding experience as well as a source of income and food security for you and your community.

Growing and Fattening Pigs for Market

Once your piglets have been weaned off their mothers, it’s time to start fattening them up for market. This process typically takes 3 to 6 months, depending on the breed of pig and target market weight. There are a few important things to keep in mind during this stage.


As the pigs grow, they will need more space. Move them into larger pens with shelter, bedding, feeding and watering areas. Keep pens clean to promote health and growth.


  • Feed piglets a diet high in protein, like dairy products, fish meal, and soybeans. Provide 3-5 lbs of feed per piglet daily.
  • For growing pigs (50-250 lbs), feed a balanced diet of grains like corn and barley, plus supplements. Aim for 5-8 lbs of feed per pig each day.
  • Finishing pigs (over 250 lbs) need a high-energy, low-protein diet to add fat. Feed 8-12 lbs per pig daily.
  • Also provide constant access to clean water. Pigs need to drink 4-5 gallons per day to gain weight.


Check your pigs daily for signs of illness and injury.

Next, treat any issues quickly to avoid weight loss or mortality.

And finally, accinate against common diseases like erysipelas and leptospirosis.


  • Weigh pigs regularly to monitor growth. Average daily gain should be 1-2 lbs per day. Adjust feed amounts to achieve this.
  • Move dominant pigs to separate pens to ensure even feeding and growth.
  • Provide enrichment to prevent boredom and aggression. Things like ropes, balls, and rooting toys will keep pigs stimulated.

When pigs reach the target market weight of 240-280 lbs, they are ready for transport to market. Carefully managing this final stage of growth will result in healthy, well-fed pigs and maximum profit for your farm.

Therefore, following best practices for housing, feeding, health and management is key to successfully growing and fattening pigs for market, making pig farming in Kenya profitable.

Breeding Pigs: How to Raise Healthy Piglets

Raising healthy piglets requires providing the best environment and nutrition for your sows during gestation and after farrowing.

As a pig farmer, your role in properly breeding pigs is essential to building a thriving herd.


  • House sows in individual stalls during the last few weeks of pregnancy and for nursing piglets. This allows them space to move around while keeping piglets contained and safe.
  • Provide heat lamps, fresh bedding like straw, and railings for piglets. The ideal temperature for newborn piglets is around 85-90 F.


  • Feed sows a high-quality diet with extra protein, minerals and vitamins during gestation and lactation. This will promote healthy development of piglets before and after birth.
  • Provide piglets with a heat source, colostrum from the sow, and creep feed at around 3 to 4 weeks of age. Creep feed is specialized feed for piglets that the sows cannot access. It helps supplement the sow’s milk and supports fast growth.


  1. Monitor sows closely around their due date, which is 114 days after breeding. Look for nesting behavior and swelling of the vulva.
  2. Once labor begins, check the sow frequently as most piglets are born within the first 2 hours. Have supplies on hand like iodine, towels, and a heat lamp.
  3. Make sure each piglet finds a teat and is nursing within the first 24 hours. Check that they are warm and watch for any struggling newborns that may need extra attention or need to be bottle-fed.
  4. Record each piglet’s birth weight and give an ear notch or tag for identification. Castrate males at around 3 to 7 days old.

Common challenges

  • Stillbirths and small litters: Choosing a quality boar and providing the best care for sows can help, though some stillbirths are unavoidable.
  • Savaging: Some sows may show aggression towards piglets. Closely monitor sows after farrowing and separate if needed.
  • Starvation: Make sure all piglets are nursing frequently, especially in the first days after birth. Supplement or bottle-feed piglets if needed.
  • Disease: Vaccinate sows and piglets according to your vet’s recommendations and isolate any sick animals immediately. Good hygiene and sanitation are key.

Following these best practices for breeding pigs will set your newborn piglets up for success and a long, healthy life in your herd.

Pig Farming Challenges in Kenya and Solutions

Pig farming in Kenya faces many challenges, but for every challenge there are solutions and ways to overcome them.

Lack of Quality Breeds

High-quality pig breeds that are disease resistant and fast growing are limited in Kenya. Imported breeds are expensive, putting them out of reach for small farmers.

  • Solution: Farmers can work together in cooperatives to import quality breeds and share resources. Government and NGO support for breed improvement programs can also help.

High Cost of Feed

Commercial pig feed is costly to produce and buy.

  • Solution: Farmers can grow their own feed crops like maize, soybeans, and cassava. Feeding food waste and crop residues can reduce costs. Buying feed in bulk as a cooperative also cuts costs.

Disease Outbreaks

Diseases like African swine fever, foot and mouth disease, and parasites can wipe out entire herds.

  • Solutions: Improve biosecurity by restricting access to farms. Vaccinate herds. Improve hygiene and sanitation. Monitor herds daily for signs of disease. Get veterinary care immediately if disease is suspected.

Lack of Funding and Investment

Many small farmers cannot access loans and funding to start or expand their farms.

  • Solutions: Form cooperatives to get group funding and loans. Crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending networks can provide funding. Government and NGO grants and programs may offer funding for equipment, infrastructure, and breed improvement.

Inadequate Market Access

Most pig farmers sell live pigs informally, lacking stable buyers and markets. This results in low, unstable prices.

  • Solutions: Form marketing cooperatives to attract stable buyers. Tap into tourism markets, selling to hotels and restaurants. Build relationships with pork processors and retailers to sell pig carcasses. Brand and promote pork products to reach consumers directly.

With determination and creativity, pig farmers in Kenya can find solutions to overcome these challenges and build a thriving industry. By working together in cooperatives, farmers can share resources and access opportunities that improve pig production in the long run. With government and NGO support, the growth of Kenya’s pig farming sector is promising.

Marketing Your Pigs in Kenya: How and Where to Sell

Local markets

Selling your pigs locally is a great way to get started. Check with local butchers, restaurants, and grocery stores to see if they’re interested in locally-sourced meat. Many will be happy to buy from small, local farms. You can also sell directly to individuals at local farmer’s markets, or offer your pigs for sale on community Facebook groups and websites like Craigslist.

Meat processors

Larger scale meat processing plants are another option. They will slaughter, butcher, and package the meat for distribution to grocers, butchers, and restaurants across the region or country. Make sure you understand their requirements for pig size, health, and quality before committing to a contract. Build a good relationship with the plant managers and workers.

Export markets

If you have a large pig farming business in Kenya, exporting pork and pork products to other countries can be very lucrative.

However, it also comes with risks and uncertainties regarding regulations, trade policies, and global market prices. Do extensive research on requirements for international trade and potential export destinations.

Also think of partnering with other local pig farmers to increase your production and make exporting more feasible.

A successful pig farming in Kenya as a business requires persistence and patience. Sometimes, don’t get discouraged if sales are slow initially.

Continue improving your operations, build strong relationships, and actively seek new opportunities.

With hard work and time, your business can thrive.

Keep records of your sales, customers, and transactions to better understand your key markets and how to best meet their needs.

Stay up to date with trends in the pork industry and make changes accordingly.

Marketing your pigs may seem challenging.

But starting local is always key, building connections, and expanding strategically into new markets, with that you’ll find success moving on.

With delicious, quality pork and good customer service, your farm will gain a reputation for excellence and your pigs will always be in high demand.

Cost Analysis and Profit Margins in Pig Farming in Kenya

Initial Investment

To start a pig farming in Kenya, you’ll need capital for essential infrastructure and equipment.

Plan on spending at least Ksh. 100,000 for a small farm with 5-10 pigs. This covers building materials, fencing, feeders, medical supplies, and your initial pig stock.

As your farm grows, costs increase to over Ksh. 1 million for a medium farm with 50-100 pigs. The largest commercial farms require investments of Ksh. 10 million or more.

Feed Costs

Feed makes up the bulk of ongoing costs, around 60-70%. Plan on spending Ksh. 2,000-3,000 per pig per month for quality feed. For a small farm with 10 pigs, that’s Ksh. 20,000-30,000 per month, and Ksh. 200,000-300,000 per month for a large farm with 100 pigs. Corn and soybeans are common feed ingredients, so costs may fluctuate based on market prices.

Labor and Management

Unless you have experience, consider hiring an experienced farm manager and workers to handle daily feeding, cleaning, health checks, and breeding. For a small farm, one manager and 2-3 workers at a total cost of Ksh. 50,000-70,000 per month is typical. Larger commercial farms require more staff, costing several hundred thousand shillings per month.

Medical Expenses

Plan on spending Ksh. 500-1,000 per pig per year for routine medical care and checkups. Also be prepared for higher costs, up to Ksh. 5,000 per pig or more in some years, if disease outbreaks or other health issues occur. It’s important to establish a relationship with a vet to help minimize risks.

Other Costs

Additional costs include utilities like water and electricity (Ksh. 5,000-20,000/month), breeding costs (Ksh. 2,000-5,000 per sow), transportation, marketing and sales expenses, loan interest if you have financing, and general farm maintenance and supplies.

With good management, a small pig farm in Kenya can achieve 10-15% profit margins.

Larger farms may see 15-25% margins. Track your costs and revenue closely, especially when starting out, to ensure your farm stays profitable. Making adjustments as needed to optimize expenses and maximize sales will help build a successful business.

How to Register a Pig Farming Business in Kenya

To officially register your pig farming business in Kenya, there are a few steps you’ll need to take.

1. Register a business name

Pick a unique name for your pig farm and register it with the Registrar of Companies. This establishes your business as a legal entity.

2. Obtain business licenses and permits

You’ll need several licenses and permits to operate, including:

  • A trading license from your county government
  • Public health certification from the Public Health Department
  • Waste disposal permit from the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA)
  • Movement permit to transport pigs, feed or manure

Register as an agricultural business

Pig farming in Kenya is classified as an agricultural activity, so you must register with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. They will inspect your farm to ensure it meets the minimum standards before issuing a registration certificate.

Acquire certification

Certain certifications are required to sell pork products:

  1. Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) certification – For slaughtering and selling pork
  2. Veterinary certification – Issued by a vet to show your pigs are disease-free
  3. Public health certification – Required to transport and sell pork products

Consider business insurance

While not legally required, business insurance is highly recommended to protect your investment. Look into farm insurance, agricultural investment insurance and product liability insurance.

Keep records

Maintain records of pig births, deaths, feed costs, veterinary care, and other expenses and income. This information is required for annual tax returns and can help in obtaining future funding.

Following these steps will ensure your pig farming business is properly registered and certified to operate legally in Kenya. By taking the time to register correctly, you’ll avoid potential issues down the road and be set up for success. Keep your records and certifications up to date, and you’ll be well on your way to building a thriving pig farming enterprise.

Funding Options for Pig Farming Businesses in Kenya

Personal Savings

The most common way pig farmers in Kenya fund their businesses is through personal savings. As a small-scale farmer just getting started, using your own money is often the only option.

Start saving as much as possible while still working your regular job. Cut out unnecessary expenses and put that money towards your farm. Once you have enough saved to get your operation up and running, you can transition to farming full-time.


Crowdfunding platforms like M-Changa, Pesapal, and Afrikstart allow you to raise money from multiple individuals to fund your pig farming business in Kenya. Create a campaign explaining your vision, set a fundraising goal, and promote it on social media to reach many people. This innovative funding method taps into the generosity of friends, family, and even strangers.

Many successful pig farmers in Kenya have used crowdfunding to raise their startup capital.

Bank Loans

If you have good credit, consider taking out a small business loan from a bank like KCB Bank Kenya, Equity Bank Kenya or Cooperative Bank of Kenya. Interest rates on agricultural loans are often lower than other types of loans. Be prepared to provide a solid business plan that demonstrates your experience, proves the viability of your farm, and outlines how the loan will be repaid. Loans can range from 50,000 KES up to 5 million KES for established farmers.

Microfinance Institutions

Microfinance institutions like Kenya Women Microfinance Bank, SMEP Microfinance Bank and Rafiki Microfinance Bank provide small loans, usually under 1 million KES, to help underserved populations start businesses. While interest rates may be higher, they are more lenient in their lending criteria. These organizations aim to empower local communities by giving everyone an equal chance to become successful entrepreneurs.

Pig farming in Kenya offers many opportunities if you have the dedication and proper funding to get started. Consider all options for financing your new farm and choose what works based on your own financial situation. With hard work and perseverance, you’ll be well on your way to building a thriving pig farming business.


So there you have it, everything you need to know to start your own pig farming business in Kenya. While it may seem daunting, if you start small, plan well, and learn from others’ experiences, you’ll be well on your way. Focus on high quality, nutritious feed, strict hygiene, and humane care of your pigs. Build strong relationships with buyers and veterinarians. Stay up to date with regulations and take advantage of funding opportunities as they arise. Though the road ahead isn’t always easy, with hard work and perseverance, you can establish a thriving pig farm. Who knows, in a few years you may be providing jobs and contributing to food security across the country. The possibilities are endless if you take that first step. What are you waiting for? Your new adventure in pig farming awaits!

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